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5 things to do if you have a bad cough! And a nuance that it is important for the elderly to find out

1. Drink enough

For adults, the norm is one and a half to two liters per day. The liquid helps with coughing, gives strength to the body, strengthens metabolism and removes toxins. Water, herbal teas prepared by you or purchased at the pharmacy are fine, preferably those containing linden flowers, wild raspberries and other plants that have a diaphoretic effect. If there is a cough, use teas with an expectorant effect, such as rowan, Icelandic lichen, elderberry or sage leaves.

be careful! The tea should not be drunk hot, it should be warm or even cold, so as not to further injure the irritated end of the throat.

2. Use cough syrup

They are of two types: natural and synthetic. Compared to synthetic ones, natural ones act more delicately, but you have to wait longer for the effect. For the preparation of natural syrups, pine buds, large street leaves, ivy are used, which help expectoration and strengthen immunity. The syrup increases expectoration, you shouldn’t be afraid of this, there should be such an effect, and it means that the right syrup has been chosen and recovery has begun. Synthetic syrups, of course, work faster. If you choose yourself, you should know that syrups are divided into two groups: one is intended for dry cough and suppresses cough more, the other is for wet cough, they liquefy phlegm, help to remove it from the body.

Memorize! The syrup shouldn’t be used on an empty stomach – it can contribute to stomach problems.

3. Warm-up procedures are useful

Very hot foot baths are fine, just be careful that the water is not too hot and does not scald your feet; the skin should be pink. Then she puts on woolen socks and lay down to sleep. It’s good for bronchitis. Mustard plasters can be used – put on the chest in the lung area (observe the duration specified in the instructions!). These patches should not be applied to the heart area. Banks, once so popular, are now strictly prohibited because they can cause adhesions in the lungs. Essential oils with a warming effect are suitable. You can also use synthetic preparations, various ointments (turpentine, Capsicam), just be careful not to use too much, because the skin will not like it, and the ointment can only be removed completely with oil. For warming, a bag of heated salt can be used, which is placed on the chest (but not the heart!) on top of a thin cotton towel to avoid burns. You can put boiled potatoes on the breast, which are best kneaded or pureed beforehand. Put the prepared mass in a polyethylene bag and wrap it in a thin cotton towel so that there is no direct contact with the skin.

If you want to use a hot water bottle with warm water, you should lie on your stomach and place the hot water bottle on your back, covering it with a towel. Keep the salt bag, potatoes and hot water bottle for about 20-30 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. Heat increases metabolism, relieves pain locally, but does not liquefy sputum.

4. If there is also a high temperature, wet compresses help both children and adults

They are placed in places where there are large blood vessels: on the forehead, in the armpits, in the groin. For them, a towel soaked in a comfortable temperature is used (at which hands are washed), which is applied to the body for one minute, after which it can be moistened again and repeated. During illness, and especially if there is a temperature, you should not dress warmly and wear clothes made of feathers or animal fur. The body has its own thermoregulation: if there is a temperature and the patient wears warm clothes, he keeps the temperature inside himself and the body is not able to fight the disease. Warm clothes can only be worn when there is a fever and the temperature rises, but to reduce it, warm clothes must be removed.

5. Strengthen immunity

Drink ginger tea with honey. Garlic works well, which can be used in a variety of ways, such as squeezing the juice and adding olive oil. If you don’t want to take them, you can buy garlic capsules at the pharmacy. A powerful natural antibiotic is turmeric, which can be added, for example, to warm milk. Echinacea is very useful, as are rose hips, ginseng, etc. In addition, vitamin C is used: during viruses, adults should get up to 1 gram per day. Powders, tablets, etc. available in pharmacies are good for this. You can also use lemon, but it doesn’t have as much vitamin C, and if you eat lemon on an empty stomach, it will irritate your stomach and make you feel worse. Lemon should be taken after meals or with tea and honey.

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