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5 Terrible Natural Phenomena That Nearly Destroy the World

A common saying is that nothing really lasts forever. There is always an end to everything. Including life on earth. Even the earth and all its contents tend to be vulnerable to natural hazards that can destroy it instantly.

Call it, meteor showers, falling asteroids, star explosions, hot splashes of the sun that keep scorching and other terrible natural phenomena. Did you know? There have been at least five similar natural phenomena that had almost destroyed the world, you know! Anything?

1. Solar storm


Occurrence time: 1859

As you know, the sun is a star which is also a source of energy for the earth. This is due to heat or heat energy in the sun. However, what would happen if the particles, radiation and heat contained in the sun suddenly moved uncontrollably.

Do you know? This terrible thing happened when the sun experienced a storm on September 2, 1858. Known as carrington eventThis incident had a significant impact, such as messing up electrical energy and disrupting human health.

Unique fact: Launching from Space, a solar storm nearly hit Earth on July 23, 2012 with predictions of uncontrollable damage. Some believe solar storms can annihilate the earth.

2. Marine isotope stage six

5 Terrible Natural Phenomena That Almost Destroyed The Worldnotesfromafrica.wordpress.com

Time of occurrence: 195 thousand to 123 thousand years ago

Often hear the term global warming which is an environmental issue? That means you understand very well that climate change greatly affects life. Launching from Scientific American, this happened thousands of years ago when the climate was unstable and extreme.

The cause is marine isotope stage six on mainland Africa. The area that previously tended to be hot was suddenly hit by very cold and dry temperatures. As a result, humans struggle to survive and the incident almost killed all of humanity.

Unique fact: Artists Gan Golan and Andrea Boyd made climate clocks as a form of efforts to prevent the effects of global warming. The clock shows that the earth has about 7 years left until the Earth’s carbon budget is exhausted.

3. Supernova explosion

5 Terrible Natural Phenomena That Almost Destroyed The Worlddailystar.co.uk

Time of occurrence: last 10 million years

In a certain period and periodically, scientists continue to analyze the condition of the universe. From there, the evidence also states the conditions faced that the earth was almost hit by supernova radiation in the last ten years.

Supernova radiation is a very energetic explosion from a large and massive star, which is at a certain point in its life cycle. The cause is the collapse of the gravitational core. While the impact on the earth is the ozone layer that evaporates and leads to mass extinctions.

Unique fact: A supernova called SN 1987A exploded with the power of 100 million times the sun in the Large Magellanic Cloud. However, the position of the star is known to be so far from the Earth’s position that it only looks like a bright spot.

4. Erupsi tambura

5 Terrible Natural Phenomena That Almost Destroyed The Worldidntimes.com

Time of occurrence: April 1815

Indonesia is a country with the most volcanoes in the world. No less than 500 volcanoes spread across Indonesia, including Mount Tambora in West Nusa Tenggara. Did you know, the eruption that had occurred almost brought the earth to extinction in 1815.

Initially, the explosion occurred in April 1815, killing tens of thousands of people in Southeast Asia. Then, a giant ash cloud rose to cover the stratosphere and spread throughout the world. The impact is blocked sunlight so that climate change occurs.

Nah, these changes cause a variety of problems throughout the world to the death of millions of people. Starting from the United States, India, Switzerland, to other countries.

Unique fact: Volcanic eruptions are often associated with the extinction of the dinosaurs. However, Dr. Alfio Alessandro Chiarenza of University College Londong confirmed that asteroids were the single most plausible cause.

5. Big fog

5 Terrible Natural Phenomena That Almost Destroyed The Worldcbsnews.com

Time of occurrence: 1952

Pollution has a very negative impact on lung health is a fact you already remember by heart. However, what about the fact that air pollution in fact almost threatened human life? Precisely starting in the British Capital in December 1952.

At that time, pollution in London caused plumes of soot smoke that lingered for four days, damaging air quality. Furthermore, the smog reduces visibility to almost zero, killing livestock and increasing human casualties.

Unique fact: Various data note that the four largest polluting countries are China, the United States, India, and Russia.

So, what do you think about the natural phenomena above?

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