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5 sun creams withdrawn from the market

Johnson & Johnson, one of the manufacturers of the covid vaccine, has decided to withdraw five spay sun creams from the market. Let’s find out the reasons for the choice together

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The society Johnson & Johnson has now the spotlight on him and not just for the anti-covid vaccine 19. The US multinational has decided to withdraw from the market all batches of five products, in this case sun creams.

The notice currently only affects United States, for this it is good to check carefully if you opt for gods products purchased online since they could come from USA. Let’s see what creams they are and what was found inside them.

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Johnson & Johnson: the reasons for the withdrawal of sunscreens

They belong to the lines Neutrogena e Aveeno and they are all spray. Here it is below:

  • Neutrogena Beach Defense,
  • Neutrogena Cool Dry Sport,
  • Aveno Protect + Refresh.
  • Neutrogena Invisible Daily,
  • Neutrogena Ultra Sheer.

They were recalled and then withdrawn because there is a strong suspicion that they may contain the benzeme, a human carcinogen with long exposure.

It is present everywhere in the environment and for this reason we are continuously exposed to this chemical compound. Until a few decades ago it was also used in drugs, plastics, gums and dyes.

It is also found within the petrol like antidodorant instead of tetraethyl lead. Either way it is good to stay away from benzeme which causes damage to the body and can also cause gods tumors if it is inhaled for a long time.

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The Fda who deals with overseas pharmacovigilance has conducted studies in this regard and has come to the conclusion that exposure to benzene in the quantities contained in the creams Johnson & Johnson the subject of the recall is not particularly dangerous to human health.

L’company however, for his part, he wanted to ensure maximum safety for his people customers, opting for the utmost caution. On the other hand, for the production of these products, the use of the harmful substance is not foreseen.

So in a phase in which controversy over the J&J vaccine is going crazy more than ever, from this point of view, the pharmaceutical company wanted to legitimately take a precautionary measure.

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