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5 Sky Phenomena in March 2022, Don’t Miss

Illustration of Supermoon or Full Moon. (Pixabay)

Hitekno.com – There are some sky phenomenon what will happen to March 2022 this. Some are clearly visible, some are not.

Suara.com reports, throughout March 2022 there will be several events or events phenomenon sky. Such as conjunctions to meteor showers.

Reported from In The SkyWednesday (2/3/2022), here are five celestial phenomena that will occur in March 2022:

1. Moon and Uranus Approach

Moon and Uranus Approach. [In the Sky]

Earth’s natural satellite will appear close to Uranus on 7 March.

The pair will be visible at around 18:21 WIB with an altitude of 42 degrees above the northwest horizon, then will sink towards the horizon at 21:24 WIB.

The moon will be at mag -10.9 and Uranus will be at mag 5.8, both of which will be in the constellation Aries.

The moon and Uranus will be slightly separated from each other in the telescope view and Uranus will look like a bright star that does not twinkle.

2. Conjunction of Venus and Mars

Observers on Earth will also have the opportunity to see Venus, which appears close to Mars in the night sky. Both will be seen on March 12, 2022.

Venus will be about 3 degrees from Mars at the time of observation.

Both will be visible at around 02:50 WIB with a height of 39 degrees above the eastern horizon, before disappearing from view at around 05:42 WIB.

Venus will be at mag -4.5 and Mars at mag 1.2, both of which can be found in the constellation Capricornus.

Venus will look like a star that shines brightly compared to Mars which looks reddish in the sky.

To see planetary details, observers need a telescope with a minimum magnification of 250 times.

3. Hujan meteor Gamma Normid

Hujan meteor Gamma Normid. [In the Sky]
Hujan meteor Gamma Normid. [In the Sky]

The Gamma Normid meteor shower is active from February 25 to March 28, 2022.

Although this is a minor meteor shower, observers can enjoy it on March 14 when the peak of the meteor shower occurs.

During this period, observers can see six to 10 meteors per hour from the constellation Norma.

The new meteor shower will be visible at around 21:49 WIB, when the point of its emission rises above the eastern horizon and will remain active until around 05:34 WIB.

The highest emission point will occur at around 04:00 WIB with about six meteors per hour.

To be able to see this meteor shower clearly, make sure to observe in an area that is free of light pollution and the weather is sunny.

4. Full Moon

Full Moon Illustration. [Kanenori/Pixabay]
Full Moon Illustration. [Kanenori/Pixabay]

The moon will reach its full phase on March 18, 2022. The Full Moon of each month generally has a nickname. The March Full Moon is also known as the Worm Moon.

The nickname was popularized in recent decades by the Farmers’ Almanac in the United States.

The names used in the almanac are claimed to have ancient origins from Native American tribes.

The reason why the March Full Moon is called the Worm Moon is because it is thought to refer to earthworms, which appear when the soil begins to warm in spring.

It invites birds to feed, a sign that spring is coming.

When it reaches its full phase on March 18, Hilan will be in the constellation Virgo and located at a distance of 380,000 km from Earth.

5. March Equinox

March Equinox. [In the Sky]
March Equinox. [In the Sky]

The equinox occurs twice a year, where in 2022 this time occurs on March 20 next.

The equinox occurs because the Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees to the plane of its orbit around the Sun.

According to time and date, the March equinox marks the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and the first day of autumn in the southern hemisphere.

On the day of the equinox, the time period of day and night on Earth will be almost exactly 12 hours.

The March 2022 equinox will occur at 22:27 WIB.

There will be no negative impact from this phenomenon because it is only a marker of the change from winter to spring in the northern hemisphere and the change from summer to autumn in the southern hemisphere.

Those are five celestial phenomena that will occur in March 2022. (Suara.com/ Lintang Siltya Utami).

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