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5 simple steps to know your body age, younger or older? : Ozone health

WHEN people ask for age, we have to answer the number of consecutive years minus the year we were born. But in reality, there are two types of ages, namely the chronological age and the biological age.

The chronological age is our age from birth to today. Meanwhile, the biological age is also known as the physiological or functional age. Biological age or body age is a measure of how well or poorly the body functions relative to chronological age.

Biological age is influenced by many factors, such as genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, and so on. Hence, the biological age can be younger or older than the chronological age. For example, a person is 24 years old but rarely exercises, sleeps erratically, eats high-calorie foods, and smokes. Well, his biological age could be over 24 years old.

The chronological age will always be an easy number to determine. Meanwhile, biological age depends on a number of variables that can change. Curious about your body age? Here’s how to calculate the biological age as reported by KlikDokter:

Step 1

Take a measurement of your hip circumference. Like, measure the circumference of the hips and the circumference of the waist. Then, divide the measurement result (in centimeters). If the result is less than 0.816, add 4 years from your current age.

Step 2

Use the index and middle fingers of your right hand to count the number of pulses. Feel the pulse in the left wrist area, which is located under the thumb of the left hand.

Subsequently, it is possible to know the body age by counting the number of pulses felt in 10 seconds, then multiplying it by 6.

If the result:

54-59 times, subtract 4 years from the current age

60-64 times, subtract 2 years

65-72 times, add 1 year

73-76 times, add 2 years

Body age may be older if heart rate increases during the count. This can happen if you have just exercised, are moving, are angry or anxious.

Step 3

Sit with your legs extended. Straighten your back and spread your arms out in front of you at shoulder height. Mark on the floor (to the right and left of the feet) the point just below the tips of the toes.

Slowly, try to reach forward while keeping your legs straight. Mark where your fingertips go, then measure the distance between the two marks (in centimeters).

If the result:

0-25cm, add 3 years

25.1-37cm, add 2 years

37.1-40cm, subtract 2 years

More than 40cm, subtract 3 years

Step 4

How to calculate body age can be done by calculating how long it takes to do push-ups. The trick, do as many pushups as possible without stopping. You can do this by leaning on your knees.

Keep your body upright and lower your chest to about 10cm from the floor. If able to do as much:

0-30 times, add 2 years

31-60 times, add 1 year

61-90 times, subtract 1 year

More than 90 times, subtract 2 years

Step 5

Answer the following questions to calculate your biological age. Don’t forget to count the total points you get, okay?

I usually eat _____ times a day (including snacks):

Twice: 1 point

Three times: 2 points

Four times: 3 points

Five times: 4 points

I _____ eat high-fat or deep-fried snacks:

Often (7 or more times a week): 1 point

Sometimes (4-6 times a week): 2 points

Rarely (0-3 times a week): 3 points

Never: 4 points

I _____ eat foods that contain fruit or vegetables:

Never: 1 point

Rarely (1-5 times a week): 2 points

Sometimes (6-9 times a week): 3 points

Often (10 or more times a week): 4 points

I _____ avoid processed foods that contain trans fat, saturated fat and large amounts of sugar, salt, nitrates and other chemicals:

Never: 1 point

Rarely (does not affect eating habits): 2 points

Sometimes (trying to buy or eat healthy food, but sometimes forgetting): 3 points

Almost always (consciously avoid buying or consuming foods containing these substances): 4 points

After answering the previous questions, you can calculate your body age by adding up the points.

If the total points are 0-9, add 3 years

If 10-12, add 2 years

If 13-15 points, subtract 2 years

If 16-18 points, subtract 3 years

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