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5 Signs You Need to Replace iPhone Battery: Expert Tips & Advice from SlashGear

Netizens who are using iPhone, I wonder when do you usually take your phone to replace the battery? If I am a moderator, I will check the battery health directly in the settings. If the battery health is lower than 80% during the Apple Care time, I will go directly to the Apple Store to replace the battery. In addition to just looking at the health numbers, there are actually signs that tell you when it is time to replace the iPhone battery. Here are five signs to let you know that it is time to replace the battery of your iPhone! Read below!

Apple offers several ways to help users track battery status so they can take action before battery performance starts to degrade. Even if there is a problem with the battery, there is no need to replace the phone right away because the battery is replaceable and in some cases, Apple may even offer the option of replacing the battery for free, as I said the health is not enough during the Apple Care time 80%. There are other signs that may indicate a battery problem, including the following five:

001: Battery drained too quickly

If you notice that your battery is draining faster than before, this could be the first sign that your battery is nearing the end of its life. The lithium-ion batteries used in iPhones will chemically age as they age, resulting in shorter charging cycles.

002: Phone suddenly slows down and glitches

If your iPhone suddenly becomes sluggish and malfunctions frequently, it could be due to a battery issue. Starting from iOS 11.3, Apple will reduce the performance of the phone when the battery ages to extend the life of the phone, so you will feel that the phone will suddenly slow down, which is a warning sign.

003: The phone suddenly shuts down

Battery issues can cause your phone to suddenly shut down while the battery is still full. This could be due to overheating or cooling of the battery, but it could also be that the internal chips are working too hard to compensate for a lack of battery performance.

004: Phone overheated

Battery aging will lead to a reduction in energy conversion efficiency, which will cause the phone to heat up. This kind of heat may cause the battery to expand, put pressure on other parts of the phone, and even cause damage to internal parts.

005: The mobile phone prompts that the battery health status is declining.

This is like I said at the beginning, the iPhone will display the health percentage of the battery, if the battery health is less than 80% and it is less than a year old, this may indicate that the battery is defective and may be eligible for a free replacement. .

In summary, when your iPhone shows any of the above signs, you should consider whether the battery needs to be replaced to avoid more serious problems and protect the overall health of the phone.


2024-02-09 07:28:28
#Signs #Youll #Time #Replace #iPhones #Battery #ePrice.HK

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