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5 Signs of Serious Health Problems in the Body

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

When something is wrong, the body certainly won’t stay still. Respond to problems health that happens, the body will show a number of symptoms that should get your attention.

In fact, the body will first convey present health problems through a number of codes. Starting from feeling like sand in your eyes to a persistent burp.

A health expert from NYU Langone Medical Center, Roshini Raj, shared about some of the symptoms that you need to pay attention to, as follows: Today.

1. Canker sore

Canker sore is a type of canker sores in the form of small, blister-shaped sores that appear on the soft tissue in the mouth. This condition usually makes eating and drinking uncomfortable.

Canker sore usually caused by minor sores in the mouth, such as when you bite the inside of your lip. Or, it could also be due to oral sensitivity to certain foods such as oranges.

However, canker sore those that don’t recover for more than three weeks can be a sign of a more serious health problem such as oral cancer. “If you don’t feel pain, it can get more serious,” says Raj.

2. Eyes feel gritty

Often times the eyes feel like they belong to a foreign object such as sand. Usually this condition will be accompanied by reduced sensitivity to light, blurred vision, red eyes, or an increase in the volume of tears.

The sensation of sandy eyes along with other symptoms that don’t go away for a long time, said Raj, could be a sign of corneal abrasion. Raj advises you to visit an eye doctor right away. Generally, this condition will resolve with antibiotic drops.

3. Burping often

Not only colds, excess belching can be a sign of a more serious health problem. Burping can be a sign of stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Gastric ulcers are sores that occur on the walls of the stomach and small intestine. Meanwhile, GERD is a chronic disease of the digestive system that occurs when stomach acid rises back into the esophageal tract.

However, Raj cautioned, it is important to know that continuous exposure to acid to the esophagus can trigger the development of pre-cancer.

4. Feet swelling and pain

Pain in the legs accompanied by swelling, cramps in the calf muscles, or changes in skin color can be signs of blood clots. This condition is more susceptible to occur in smokers, people who use oral contraceptives, and people with cancer.

Raj warned that serious blood clots can be fatal.

5. Lumps under the armpits / shoulders

Lumps under the shoulders or around the armpits can be minor problems, such as enlarged lymph nodes due to viruses. However, it can also be a sign of a more serious problem like breast cancer.

Get checked out immediately if the lump persists within a few weeks.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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