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5 signs of bronchitis | Click mobile

After an episode of cold or flu, but also after prolonged exposure to various chemicals, it is possible to develop bronchitis, a disease that has many symptoms common with seasonal respiratory infections.

Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi, the pathways that carry air to the lungs. There are 2 forms of bronchitis: acute and chronic. The acute one lasts less than 6 weeks, being triggered by various viruses that circulate frequently this season (coronavirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus), in 10% of cases being caused by bacteria. Also, exposure to various chemicals can trigger acute bronchitis.

The chronic form, which manifests itself over several months or years, is most often caused by smoking. In almost 20% of cases, chronic bronchitis progresses to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Many of the symptoms of bronchitis can be confused with those of asthma or pneumonia. For people without other associated diseases, acute bronchitis lasts 2-3 weeks. In those with conditions such as asthma, the symptoms of bronchitis are generally more pronounced. In the elderly, it can be complicated by pneumonia.

It is good to pay attention to the following disease-specific symptoms!

1. Cough

It is the predominant symptom of bronchitis. In the first days, the cough is dry, without sputum, painful, and then becomes productive. The sputum may be transparent, yellow or green, or it may have small strands of blood. In 20% of cases, the cough lasts up to a month.

2. Difficulty breathing

Especially in people with asthma, shortness of breath and shortness of breath may occur.

3. Altered general condition

Fatigue, malaise and weakness often accompany bronchitis. When the body fights a disease, most of the energy is directed to fight it.

4. Whistling breath

People with bronchitis may have shortness of breath and wheezing, during which a sharp sound is released. This is due to the loading of the bronchi, which leads to a reduction in their diameter.

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