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5 seeds to use in your diet

In recent years, the habit of introducing certain types of seeds into our diet has spread in the culinary culture. Oil seeds are good for your health. They are rich in sugars, lipids and proteins, but also in iron, magnesium and potassium, copper, zinc and selenium. They also have vitamins A, E and some of the B group.

5 seeds to use in your diet

Flax seeds are rich in omega-3s and therefore are useful both for keeping the cholesterol level under control and for its anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming them regularly helps to take care of the intestines because they fight constipation.

Chia seeds seem to have positive effects on the cardio-vascular system: it helps prevent heart disease, cellular aging (being rich in antioxidants) and rheumatoid arthritis. They are rich in vitamin C, calcium and omega-3s. Also, by regulating blood sugar levels they help prevent type 2 diabetes.

Pumpkin seeds, taken regularly, have beneficial effects on bladder health, are a natural remedy for cystitis and help keep the prostate healthy. They are also rich in iron and therefore, when consumed as a snack, avoid energy drops during the day. In addition, they are also used against worms in the intestine.

Sesame seeds are quite caloric and for this reason they provide a lot of energy. Furthermore, they are among the seeds that contain the highest concentration of calcium: in fact, they are allies againstosteoporosis and dental health. They strengthen the immune system thanks to the presence of zinc and the selenium contained in them promotes cell health as it has antioxidant properties.

Finally, sunflower seeds have the fewest calories of all. They are rich in magnesium and this helps to preserve heart health and keep stress at bay. Plus, taking them helps keep your levels under control cholesterol “Bad” thus having a whole series of positive effects on heart and arterial health.

Here are 5 seeds to adopt in your diet: rich in unsaturated fats, they help preserve cardio-vascular health, the health of our cells and give us energy.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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