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5 Right Ways to Keep Your Bones Healthy You Can Start Now!

The human body has more than 200 bones which have the function of supporting and protecting many organs, storing minerals in the body, and also playing a very important role.

One type of bone in the human body is the ulna. The function of this ulna is to help us move the arm from above to the wrist.

Not only that, function of the ulna also to support the various important muscles in the hands, namely ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels.

The many functions of the ulna make it necessary for all of us to maintain the health of the ulna and other bones in our body.

Because, if we do not maintain the health of our bones, it will easily porous. If the bones are porous, then the function of the ulna and other bones in the body becomes more easily cracked, even broken if an injury occurs.

Therefore, it is important for us to keep our bones healthy as early as possible. What steps can be taken to protect bones, including the ulna? Here’s the full review.

How to Maintain Bone Health

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The Right Way To Maintain Bone Health Hasta

1. Do regular exercise

The habit of rarely exercising or moving can make our muscles and bones weak.

Several studies have stated that people who rarely exercise will be more susceptible to bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Therefore, if you rarely exercise, then from now on try to be more active in moving and exercising regularly to maintain bone density and health.

Sports that you can do such as jogging, rhythmic gymnastics, yoga, and leisurely walks.

2. Don’t skip breakfast

Maybe many people often skip breakfast. In fact, breakfast is very important so that the body gets the nutrients and energy it needs to carry out daily activities.

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You can choose a breakfast that contains lots of vitamin D. The best sources of calcium come from cheese, milk, soybeans, yogurt, cereals, eggs and also fish oil.

3. Bask in the morning sun

The function of the ulna has a very important role for the body, so it needs to be maintained. One easy way we can do this is to regularly bask in the morning sun, at least 2-3 times a week, before 9am, for 5-15 minutes.

The reason is, morning sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D which is needed by the body to be able to help absorb calcium. If you lack vitamin D, the bones will be vulnerable and porous more easily.

4. Maintain weight

Ideal body weight is important to maintain because it maintains bone strength and health. Several studies have shown that being overweight, obese, or even underweight has a role in increasing the risk of bone damage and injury.

Due to the very important function of the ulna along with other bones in the body, it is advisable to always maintain a healthy weight so that it remains ideal to protect bone health.

5. Consuming supplements

Not only nutritious food, you can also meet your intake of calcium and vitamin D by consuming supplements that function to maintain body and bone health.

These supplements are also good for consumption by women who have experienced menopause, because hormonal changes at that time can cause bone tissue to become weaker.

For adults, the required calcium intake is 1000-1200 milligrams per day, while the intake of vitamin D is 15-20 micrograms or around 600-800 IU per day. However, for the right supplement dosage, you can consult a doctor first.

You can do some of the methods above to maintain the health of the ulna and other bones in the body. Consuming nutritious food balanced with a healthy lifestyle is the main key in maintaining bone health, especially in old age.

You can find other tips and tricks for maintaining bone health in books For Healthy Bones. As the title suggests, this book contains a variety of tips for everyone to live a better lifestyle for bone health. In addition, it is also explained which food ingredients are good for the health and strength of our bones.

Not only that, this book is also equipped with knowledge about the ins and outs of osteoporosis and bone cancer. By knowing the information in this book, you and your family can be protected from bone disease.

You can order and buy this book directly through gramedia.com.

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