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5 Restaurant Secrets Revealed by Employees that Led to Closures


Working in the restaurant industry has made several restaurant employees reveal restaurant secrets they know. As a result, some restaurants even closed.

The function of a restaurant employee is no less important than a chef or cook in a restaurant. Sometimes restaurant employees know a lot about the ins and outs of the place they work.

Especially kitchen secrets, kitchen cleanliness, food portions given, and restaurant management which is sometimes inhumane.

From here several restaurant employees began to reveal the secrets of the restaurant where they worked. Until finally it had an impact on the restaurant.

Here are five cases of restaurant employees revealing restaurant secrets that went viral.

1. Employees Reveal Salt Bae Management

These 5 Restaurant Employees Reveal Kitchen Secrets That Made the Restaurant Close Photo: Site News

Having had problems with paying employees’ wages, the restaurant owned by the famous chef Salt Bae is under protest again. Workers said the restaurant’s poor management was inhumane.

Recently, this restaurant, which is famous for its gold-plated tomahawk steak, has once again attracted controversy due to its treatment of its employees. On the Glassdoor website, this restaurant is said to be treating its employees badly.

“You give only empty talk and money to the workers. We are never even allowed to taste the food we sell. Excessively large tips from customers are also not balanced with equal distribution,” wrote a review by one employee at the restaurant. Salt Bae.

2. Employees Reveal the Dirty Contents of the Restaurant Refrigerator

These 5 Restaurant Employees Reveal Kitchen Secrets That Made the Restaurant Close Photo: Site News

Through the TikTok account @uglytimbit, a former restaurant employee uploaded a video showing the condition of the refrigerator in the restaurant where he previously worked. This video was considered scary because the condition of the contents of the restaurant’s refrigerator looked very dirty.

In the video clip, you can see that the refrigerator in the restaurant is not only filled with dry food, but also mixed with meat. However, none of them were packaged tightly. At the bottom of the meat there was also raw chicken in an uncovered container.

This means that whatever rust or dirt is falling from the shelves above, it looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in years. The rust stains could stick directly to the chicken or meat. Although Timbit has not revealed the name of the restaurant, several people have guessed the name and location of the restaurant.

3. Reveal the Secret of Potato Portions in Restaurants

These 5 Restaurant Employees Reveal Kitchen Secrets That Made the Restaurant Close Photo: Site News

Not long ago, a former employee of a famous fast food restaurant caused a stir among netizens after revealing the truth behind the fries they served. In a video uploaded to the TikTok account @ @jordan_the_stallion8, the former employee named Jordan revealed how many fries they usually serve in small quantities.

Jordan started by revealing, “I worked at Five Guys and when I worked there, my boss always said, ‘Hey, don’t be too stingy with the fries. Always make sure the packets are full and oily.”

As time went by, Jordan asked his boss. Apparently the reason behind the small packaging of fries is to create an illusion for customers so that they think they will get bigger fries than what they paid for.

Watch the video “Make Hungry: Delicious and Delicious Smoked Fish with Sambal Leunca”


2023-10-18 04:00:37
#Restaurant #Employees #Reveal #Kitchen #Secrets #Restaurant #Close

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