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5 remedies for regulating menstruation

Menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding or lack thereof, infertility are also related to the regulation of menstruation. Sage, raspberry, red clover are some of the plants that restore your balance.

Shepherd’s Purse

If you have severe pain and bleeding during menstruation, the shepherd’s purse infusion and tincture can eliminate them. The tea is made from 2 teaspoons of the plant and 250 ml of water. Drink 3 cups of infusion a day to get good results. Take a teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day, mixed with half a glass of water.

Sage and marigolds

Heavy menstruation or lack of monthly bleeding can be combated with sage infusion or marigold tincture. Tea and sage powder normalize menstruation and relieve pain. It takes a teaspoon of leaves and 100 ml of boiling water to prepare the infusion, and the powder can be taken over a course of 3 months, 40 grams per day, in 4 installments.

Marigold tincture is suitable for situations where menstruation disappears due to an unhealthy diet, nutritional deficiencies left behind by an illness or after birth, during breastfeeding. Drink 30 drops of tincture with a little water, three times a day before menstruation. Against menstrual pain you can take 2 times a day marigold tea from 2 teaspoons of the plant in 250 ml of water.

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