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5 Reasons Why We Need Influenza Vaccine Every Year – All Pages


There are a number of ways to prevent transmission of the virus, including getting the flu vaccine every year.

GridHEALTH.id – Flu or influenza is a serious illness. This can lead to hospitalization and, at times, can even be fatal.

Millions of people suffer from this disease every year and tens of thousands die from it. This is what makes the flu vaccine necessary.

The annual flu vaccination is the best way to protect our loved ones from influenza.

Prof. Dr. dr. Iris Rengganis, Sp.PD-KAI., Head of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Allergy Immunology Association (PERALMUNI), said, “It should be noted that immunization is still needed when a person reaches adulthood.

Especially in the midst of a pandemic situation, immunization is increasingly important to better protect the population against Covid-19.

One of them is flu vaccination, which is an effective way to reduce the spread of the influenza virus.

Moreover, influenza vaccination is considered important to prevent co-infection with Covid-19 virus infection which can lead to serious complications,” he said at the Virtual Press Conference of the 2022 World Immunization Week (14/04/2022), a collaboration between the Indonesia Technical Advisory Group of Immunization (ITAGI). ) and Sonofi Indonesia.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO recommends influenza vaccination for vulnerable populations such as health workers, the elderly, young children, pregnant women, and those with certain chronic medical conditions .

Not only the flu vaccine, it is very important for the community not to forget the importance of giving other routine immunizations for adults, such as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Meningitis, Tdap and PCV.

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The flu vaccine helps develop antibodies in the body. These antibodies provide protection from viruses.

But it will take about two weeks to become effective. So, we have to take the vaccine shot two weeks before the start of flu season. Or consult a doctor when is the right time to get the flu vaccine.

Quoted from Medical News Today, here are 5 advantages that will be obtained;

1. Reducing the risk of catching the flu

Vaccines do not eliminate the risk of getting the flu. But, it reduces the risk by almost 50%. The effectiveness of the vaccine depends on what type of flu occurs in a given season.

Viruses evolve all the time. Taking the flu vaccine on time will ensure that our body is able to fight off the circulating virus.

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  World Immunization Week 2022 (14/04/2022), a collaboration between the Indonesia Technical Advisory Group of Immunization (ITAGI) and Sonofi Indonesia.

World Immunization Week 2022 (14/04/2022), a collaboration between the Indonesia Technical Advisory Group of Immunization (ITAGI) and Sonofi Indonesia.

2. Reduce the risk of related problems

Fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and cough are common symptoms of the flu. Apart from that, other health problems like headache, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea can also develop. This is especially true in the case of children.

According to American Lung AssociationInfluenza virus can trigger several worrisome diseases, one of which is pneumonia.

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This disease weakens the immune system, which can increase the risk of developing bacterial, fungal, or viral pneumonia.

3. Provides protection to the unborn baby

According to a 2018 study by Infectious Disease Society of AmericaVirginia, flu vaccination given to pregnant women can protect babies from disease.

The antibodies in the woman’s body are transferred to the baby. These antibodies also protect the baby from catching the flu after giving birth.

4. Reducing disease severity

If you get a disease even after vaccination, then immunization will help you fight it.

The antibodies made by the vaccine will help the immune system fight disease.

According to a 2018 study, published in the journal Science Direct, people who get injections are more likely to live through the disease than people who are not vaccinated.

5. Separating previous medical conditions from the flu

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Infestation of the flu virus in diabetics and patients with chronic lung disease can be deadly.

Previous health conditions have weakened a person’s immune system. The next flu can bring it down.

A weak immune system increases the risk of organ failure and death. The flu vaccine will help prevent this.


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