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“5 Reasons to Introduce Dairy Products into Your Diet: Benefits for the Body”

Throughout history, human nutrition has gone through a process of transformation. If a few centuries ago, food was less processed, most people eating fruits and vegetables grown in their own household, the present is marked by the changes taking place in the market. However, among the basic foods that should be consumed are dairy products. They play an important role in the daily diet and provide a multitude of benefits to the body. Nutritionists recommend that dairy products be integrated into the diet. In the following, you will discover some reasons why it would be advisable to consume such products.

Here’s why you should introduce dairy into your daily diet:

  • Nutritionists recommend that dairy products be included in the diet, because, first of all, they are a source of vitamin D. Butter and margarine, milk, cheeses, yogurts, cheese or cream are some of the foods you can eat, to cover the body’s need for vitamin D. At the same time, it will also help the absorption of calcium in the bones. Consumption of lactate will represent a real benefit for the body and you can purchase these products directly from the range offered by Auchan.ro. In addition, the products can be prepared into various tasty dishes. Obviously, don’t forget that you shouldn’t consume anything in excess!
  • On the other hand, moderate consumption of dairy products could also help to control blood pressure. Specialists claim that milk proteins, derived peptides or lactose could have a direct effect on this aspect, which is why they urge that dairy products be integrated into the diet.
  • Also, another benefit that dairy products provide to the body is cholesterol control. According to some studies carried out by specialists in the field, the consumption of milk or yogurt could reduce the level of cholesterol in the body by up to 5%. It should be noted that, in addition to dairy consumption, you must also include legumes, oats or citrus fruits in your diet to help you keep your cholesterol at a normal level.
  • At the same time, specialists claim that dairy products are a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and minerals. In this sense, the introduction of these products into the daily diet will help the body to better assimilate these components that will be beneficial for bones. In addition, unlike plant products, calcium from dairy is absorbed faster.
  • Last but not least, dairy might help you lose weight. They must be integrated into a diet as balanced as possible, which will contain both fruits and fresh vegetables. Dairy products contain nutrients and can provide a feeling of satiety when consumed in moderation. Moreover, the metabolism can be accelerated after drinking milk or yogurt, because they also contain B vitamins, iodine and zinc.

Nutrition specialists recommend that any type of product be consumed in moderation and that excess of any kind be categorically avoided. If you’ve set out to adopt a healthy lifestyle and even lose a few pounds, then dairy products should be part of your diet.

2023-04-28 03:50:30
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