Home » Health » 5 Reasons People Used to Have Smooth Skin Without Skincare – IDN Times

5 Reasons People Used to Have Smooth Skin Without Skincare – IDN Times

Having smooth, soft and clean skin is the dream of many people. However, with the increasing complexity of skin care available today, many of us feel we have to pay a high price to get the skin we want.

However, in ancient times, people did not have a wide variety of products skincare as it is now. However, they still have smooth, flawless, and clean skin.

There are several factors that made people in ancient times have healthy and flawless skin even without itskincare complicated. Here are five factors that can explain why ancient people had flawless skin even without skincare.

1. Balanced nutrition

vegetable and fruit illustrations (pexels.com/Pixabay)

Balanced nutrition can be a factor that made people in ancient times have smooth and flawless skin even without treatment skincare. This is because a healthy and balanced diet can provide the nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy and clean.

Some nutrients that are important for skin health include vitamins A, C, E, and protein. These nutrients help maintain skin moisture, reduce wrinkles, and improve damaged skin conditions.

A study published in the journal Nutrients also found that eating foods that contain certain nutrients, such as vitamins C, E, and zinc, can help reduce wrinkles and prevent skin damage caused by UV rays.

In addition, nutritional deficiencies can also have a negative impact on the skin and cause skin problems such as dry skin, itching, acne, and skin rashes. Therefore, balanced nutrition is very important to maintain healthy skin. Meanwhile, today’s people tend to consume more often junk food which is not healthy.

2. Lots of physical activity

walking illustration (pexels.com/Tranmautritam)

Lots of physical activity can be a factor that makes ancient people have smooth skin. This is because physical activity can increase blood flow throughout the body, including to the skin. That way, the skin will get an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen so it can stay healthy and look smooth.

In addition, physical activity can also help in the production of collagen which is an important protein in maintaining the elasticity and softness of the skin. In research published in the journal Dermato-Endocrinologyit is stated that physical activity increases the synthesis and production of collagen, which helps maintain healthy skin.

However, it is important to remember that healthy skin does not only depend on physical activity. Other factors, such as a healthy diet, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and getting enough rest, can also contribute to maintaining healthy skin.

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3. Natural skin care

natural skin care illustrations (pexels.com/cottonbro studio)

There are several factors that caused ancient people to have healthy and flawless skin even without using modern skin care products. One of them is their healthy and natural diet.

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Foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants can help keep skin healthy and reduce inflammation. In addition, they also often use natural ingredients, such as honey, coconut oil, and aloe vera, for skin care.

According to Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a dermatologist, said that most modern skin care products contain ingredients that people have actually known and used for centuries, such as coconut oil, aloe vera, and honey. They help retain moisture and reduce inflammation in the skin, so the skin looks healthier and more radiant.

In addition, a healthy lifestyle such as exercising, getting enough sleep, and maintaining stress levels can also contribute to healthy and flawless skin.

4. A supportive climate

illustration of a group of people in a park (pexels.com/Kaboompics .com)

Climatic factors, such as stable temperature, sufficient humidity, and moderate sun exposure, are believed to have made human skin in ancient times healthier and smoother even without modern skin care like what we have today.

An article published in a scientific journal Dermato-Endocrinology explains that weather and climate can affect the health of human skin, and that people who live in warmer, more humid areas tend to have softer, more moisturized skin. The article also highlights the importance of sunlight in producing vitamin D which can help maintain healthy skin. This refers to studies showing that too much sunlight can damage the skin, but sunlight in the right dose can increase the production of collagen and elastin which help maintain skin elasticity.

Reported National Geographic, people in tropical and subtropical areas produce more natural oils in their skin, which helps maintain moisture and elasticity. The article also highlights diet and physical activity as other factors that can affect skin health.

In conclusion, a supportive climate can provide health benefits for human skin, including smoother and healthier skin. However, other factors, such as diet, physical activity, and exposure to pollutants, can also affect skin health. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding exposure to pollutants is also important for maintaining the health of our skin.

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