Home » Health » 5 Reasons Parents Need to Keep Children Away from Junk Food for Their Health and Development

5 Reasons Parents Need to Keep Children Away from Junk Food for Their Health and Development

TRIBUNHEALTH.COM – Parents need to be wary of their children’s consumption of junk food.

As much as possible keep children away from eating junk food.

The reason is that there are dangerous side effects from junk food that you need to be aware of, including the risk of diabetes.

This is because the trans fat content in junk food is abundant and not healthy at all.

Launching the health channel Health Shotshere are 5 reasons why children should avoid junk food

1. Eating junk food impacts energy and focus

junk food illustration (kompas.com)

Children’s study habits are greatly influenced by their diet.

Junk food and foods high in sugar reduce energy levels and sustained concentration capacity.

Children in the school age range must be very focused and enthusiastic.

Childhood lays the foundation for lifelong habits, and junk food is very detrimental to their holistic development.

Children of all age groups have to do physical exercise, and frequently eating junk food does not provide them with the nutrients they need to have enough stamina to do so.

Lack of physical activity is detrimental to a person’s physical and mental health and can prevent children from experiencing important social growth.

Also read: 7 Mistakes Cholesterol Sufferers Make at Breakfast, Must Be Avoided so that Levels Drop Immediately

2. Junk food is dangerous for intestinal health

Our intestines have a lot of bacteria in them.

It helps us stay healthy as it fights unwanted bacteria that enter our body and also helps with many other body functions.

Gut health is most important for keeping our immunity intact.

But junk food harms the intestines.

This is why junk food needs to be avoided, especially children who need to have strong immunity.

3. Bad fat

Illustration of several foods that contain trans fats (aceh.tribunnews.com)

Junk food contains artificial trans fats in it.

2024-02-01 00:44:40
#Eating #Junk #Food #Children #Develop #Diabetes #Bad #Impacts #Tribun #Health

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