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5 Popular Mosquito Myths Debunked: The Truth About Repelling Mosquitoes

Door: Dragonfly – Fabienne Kamphuis

We tell you with which things you should not stop mosquitoes and with which tips you can ensure that you are no longer bothered by these insects.

When it comes to mosquitoes, there always seem to be countless solutions. Nevertheless, we often still suffer from these insects. The tips to combat mosquitoes are therefore not always correct. In fact, the most popular tips even turn out to be fables. We have listed the most famous ones for you.

1. Citronella candles repel mosquitoes

Many people put lemon candles in their bedroom, house, garden or camping site to prevent mosquitoes. But who ever said mosquitoes don’t like lemon? Believe it or not, lemon candles don’t repel mosquitoes at all.

2. Scratching helps with the itch

You get bitten by a mosquito and since then you seem to be able to do nothing but scratch. It sounds and seems tempting, but this doesn’t actually work at all. Contrary to what many people think, it even works counterproductive. The more you scratch, the worse the itch gets.

3. Light attracts mosquitoes

That you have to turn off your light in the evening especially for mosquitoes is also not true. Mosquitoes generally have little sight, so they have no knowledge of light or dark at all.

4. Sweet blood creates more mosquito bites

If you lie next to someone and they don’t get stung, but you do, you will most likely think it’s because of your blood. The rumor that makes sweet blood sting is just not true. Mosquitoes are mainly attracted to the carbon dioxide that you exhale.

5. Putting a cross in your mosquito bite helps

One of the oldest lifehacks against mosquito bites is putting a cross in the bump. We do it en masse, but that doesn’t actually work at all either. It does cause you to feel temporary pain instead of itching, but it is therefore not a solution for the long term.

Fortunately, contrary to the above fables, there are tips that do combat mosquitoes. We have listed the five golden tips for you.

1. Apply DEET

Anti-mosquito spray often does not work, but the insect repellent DEET does. DEET is for sale in different concentrations, but would work best when it contains twenty to forty percent of the agent. Excessive exposure to the substance would have harmful effects on the nervous system, and that is of course (as much as we would like to get rid of mosquitoes) that is not the intention.

2. Install screens and mosquito nets

Prevention is always better than cure. Are you bothered by mosquitoes? Then place mosquito nets in front of your doors and windows and cover places such as your bed with mosquito nets. Mosquitos often don’t get through here, so they don’t even get the chance to sting you in the first place.

3. Use a fan

Fans and air conditioners not only provide the necessary cooling, but also repel mosquitoes. Mosquitoes cannot withstand the airflow of these devices, so they will stay far away from them. Fine!

4. Turn on a mosquito lamp

So lemon candles don’t help either, but mosquito lamps do. Mosquitoes are just as unhappy with blue light as with fans, which is why lamps with blue UV light also work wonders.

5. Wear long and light clothing

Just like screens and mosquito nets, long, light clothing can also work wonders keeping mosquitoes out. This has the same effect, but is around your body. You cannot forget or skip places and you do not have to keep an eye on the duration of operation. Two birds (or well, mosquitoes) with one stone, so!

It’s that time of year again: mosquitoes everywhere. Are you also being stabbed? Very annoying, but there is a remedy that will keep those wretches at bay from now on, take a look.

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Bron: Environment Central OutdoorXL

Libelle – Fabienne KamphuisGetty ImagesJuly 13, 2023, 11:32

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2023-07-13 09:32:56
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