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5 Objects That Can Demagnetize Debit and Credit Cards – Stay Alert!

Be careful not to demagnetize debit and credit cards with these 5 unsuspecting objects: nobody pays attention!

Electronic payments are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Thanks to their practicality and their safety. However, it will have happened to you at least once in your life to be denied a payment by debit or credit card in a shop.

Demagnetized ATMs and credit cards: beware of these objects (Ilovetrading.it)

Don’t worry, the problem in most cases is not the availability of money in your account, but it is probably a malfunction due to the demagnetization of the chip. What can be done in these cases? Usually, you just need to go to your bank and request a replacement card.

However, few know that credit cards and debit cards can be demagnetised when they come into contact with one of these 5 unexpected objects. Would you have ever said that? Let’s find out right away what we’re talking about.

Credit and debit cards demagnetized by these 5 objects: be careful

If you don’t want to run the risk of demagnetizing the chip inside your debit or credit card, you’d better keep them away from these trivial objects. Few know it, yet they are primarily responsible for the problem. Therefore, be careful do not store your payment cards near:

If you don’t want to demagnetize the ATM, don’t put it near these objects (Ilovetrading.it) keys; magnets; television; computer; smartphone.

All these objects, in fact, can make cards and ATMs unusable. For this reason, you would do well to avoid storing them in your pocket or in bags and backpacks without any protection (there are special cases to avoid this problem, as well as specific pockets in document holders and wallets). In some cases the chip could also become demagnetized a due to overuse of this payment method.

In any case, if your credit card is demagnetised, before requesting its replacement at the bank, you can try to restore its use through one of these systems. Rub the ATM vigorously on a clean tissue or try cleaning the chip and magnetic stripe with your finger or an eraser.

But be careful because these are only simple attempts that unfortunately could prove completely ineffective. However, it costs nothing to try! At most you will have to go to the bank and spend some time to complete the replacement procedure. Nothing serious or irreparable.

2023-08-22 20:30:19
#Credit #cards #debit #cards #demagnetized #trivial #unsuspecting #objects #Attention #Ilovetrading.it

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