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5 Nighttime Warning Signs of Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

[Voice of Hope September 17, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. In addition to the difficulty of treating cancer itself, a large part of the reason is that many people do not pay attention to the importance of early signs of cancer.

In fact, cancer is already secretly growing in the human body in its early stages. However, we often ignore the “signals” sent by our bodies.

Sleep is a natural physiological phenomenon of the human body and an important guarantee for physical and mental health. But, you know what? Sleep can also reflect your physical condition and even be an early sign of cancer.

1. Say no to smoking and drinking alcohol, and avoid excessive drinking

2. Maintain a healthy weight

3. Develop the habit of regular exercise

4. Eat fruits, vegetables and grains in a planned manner and reduce red meat and processed meat.

5. Choose low-fat and low-salt foods

6. No need to rely too much on nutritional supplements

7. Mothers should breastfeed their babies as much as possible

8. Use vaccines proven to prevent cancer

9. Regular physical examination

10. After treatment, cancer patients should pay more attention to cancer prevention to avoid recurrence.

Snoring (pixabay)

1. Snoring

Snoring is a common sleep phenomenon, but it can also be a sign of cancer.

According to one study, people who snore have a 40% higher risk of developing throat and esophageal cancer than non-snorers.

This is because snoring can cause long-term irritation and inflammation of the throat and esophagus, increasing the possibility of cancer.

Therefore, if you snore frequently and are accompanied by symptoms such as throat discomfort, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, etc., it is recommended that you seek medical treatment in time.

2. Frequent urination at night

Frequent nocturia refers to getting up more than twice a night to urinate, or urinating more than 20% of the total daily urine volume each night. Frequent urination at night not only affects sleep quality, but may also be a precursor to cancer of the urinary system or reproductive system.

For example, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, etc. may cause frequent nocturia.

Therefore, if you find that you have increased frequency of nocturia and are accompanied by symptoms such as hematuria, urgency, painful urination, and lower abdominal discomfort, it is recommended that you get checked out in time.

Frequent urination at night (photoAC)

3. Night sweats

Night sweats are heavy sweating for no apparent reason, usually at night or early in the morning. Night sweats may be caused by body infections, endocrine disorders, neurological diseases, etc., but they may also be an early sign of cancer.

According to a survey, 30% to 50% of patients diagnosed with malignant tumors such as lymphoma, lung cancer, and gastric cancer have experienced night sweats.

This is because cancer cells secrete some pyrogenic substances that stimulate the body temperature regulation center, causing increased body temperature and increased sweating.

Therefore, if you often have unexplained night sweats and are accompanied by symptoms such as fever, weight loss, and swollen lymph nodes, it is recommended that you get checked out in time.

4. Insomnia

Insomnia refers to a sleep disorder in which the quality or quantity of sleep is insufficient to meet individual needs. It is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep, easy or early awakening, etc.

Insomnia may be caused by mental stress, living habits, environmental factors, etc., but it may also be an early signal of cancer.

According to one study, there is a correlation between insomnia and several cancers, most notably breast and prostate cancer.

This is because insomnia can affect hormone levels, lead to decreased immune function, and increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, if you have long-term insomnia and are accompanied by breast or prostate abnormalities, it is recommended that you get checked in time.

Insomnia (Army.mil)

5. Nightmare

Nightmares are frightening, anxious, sad or disgusting dreams that occur during sleep, usually during rapid eye movement sleep.

Nightmares can be caused by psychological trauma, emotional distress, medication side effects, etc., but they can also be an early sign of cancer.

According to one study, 20% of patients diagnosed with gastric cancer experienced nightmares.

This is because gastric cancer can affect the movement and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms such as indigestion, acid reflux, and stomach pain, stimulating the cerebral cortex, and triggering nightmares.

Nightmare (pixabay)

Therefore, if you often have nightmares and are accompanied by symptoms such as stomach discomfort, loss of appetite, and black stools, it is recommended that you get checked out in time.

If the above five abnormalities occur at night, it is recommended that you do not ignore them, check them in time, and take early precautions. At the same time, you should also pay attention to maintaining good sleep habits and avoid factors that affect sleep such as overwork, irregular eating, and mood swings, so as to lay a solid foundation for good health.

Editor in charge: Li Zhi

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2023-09-17 09:48:00

#cancer #body #sleep #prophet #Cancer #Cancer #Prevention #Sleep

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