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5 New Facts About the Shooting of the Chairman of the Taklim Council in Tangerang


The chairman of the taklim assembly with the initials A (43), who lived in Pinang, Tangerang, died after becoming a victim shooting by unknown people. A’s shooting took place last night.

A is known to be a shooting victim after a local resident heard gunshots on Saturday (18/9/2021), at around 18.30 WIB. The witness then saw A lying on the ground with a shot.

The victim was then taken to the hospital. However, the victim’s life could not be saved until finally he was declared dead at around 19.17 WIB.

The police have also conducted a crime scene investigation (TKP). One of the results of the crime scene, the police found bullet projectiles. In addition, the police also found a number of other facts, namely that the victim was known to serve as the chairman of the local taklim assembly.

“It looks like the bullet went through, because one projectile was found at the location,” said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Sunday (9/19/2021).

The victim’s nephew, Sumadi, hopes that the perpetrators will be caught soon. He asked the perpetrators to be given the appropriate punishment.

“I hope he will be arrested soon. It is worth it for his actions,” said Sumadi.

Here are 5 facts about shooting A:

Perpetrators Allegedly 2 People

The police are investigating the shooting of a taklim leader with the initials A (43) in Pinang, Tangerang. Police said the shooter was not just one person.

“The perpetrators are suspected to be two people, now the investigation is still ongoing,” said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Sunday (9/19/2021).

Read more facts on the next page:

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