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5 natural gastric bandages Click

5 natural gastric bandages

Potato juice

When the stomach lining is irritated, fresh potato juice is a very good gastric bandage, due to its antiseptic and calming effect. Three glasses of fresh potato juice a day (100 ml portion) heals the lesions of the stomach lining. This cure can be done for long periods of time. The juice is prepared from raw potatoes, not peeled, which are washed well and put on a grater, then squeezed. The first portion of juice is drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach, after which the patient must lie down for half an hour. The remaining juice is consumed 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Acacia flowers

Inflorescences are used in the therapy of gastric diseases Acacia, which combats gastric acidity and burning sensation. The infusion is prepared from two teaspoons of flowers and a cup of boiling water. In order to regain your gastric comfort, both in the case of hyperacid gastritis, and in the case of gastric or duodenal ulcer, two cups of tea per day are indicated, between meals, in long-term cures.


The infusion prepared from raspberry leaves is astringent and has the property of reducing stomach acidity, being recommended in the treatment of hyperacid gastritis. The infusion is prepared from a teaspoon of raspberry leaves and a cup of boiling water. For two weeks, during the treatment, one cup is administered per day, after the main meals.

St John

St. John’s wort treatment is done with infusion, oil or syrup. In the case of gastritis and ulcers, St. John’s wort oil works wonders. It is administered in the morning, on an empty stomach (a tablespoon) and in the evening, the same dose. Therapists have found that this remedy quickly neutralizes gastric acidity, thus protecting the stomach lining, but treatment should be followed for six weeks, according to www.adevarul.ro.


The active ingredients in licorice are excellent anti-inflammatory and help restore the gastric mucosa, which protects the stomach walls from acid erosion. Take one teaspoon of licorice tincture diluted in 250 ml of water, four times a day.

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