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5 Most Unique Things to Learn from the Universe

As a container of star life that is almost limitless, the universe holds so many mysteries that are not yet known by humans. A small part of it is only known through the technology of the Hubble Telescope, observatories, Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft, as well as research or studies conducted on the International Space Station.

For scientists and academics, studying universe it is a passion that will never end. They will continue to search for any things that are hidden in the corners of the universe. Well, some unique things about objects in the universe have also been researched and the results published for the sake of interest science. Anything, huh? Come on, take a look!

1. The oldest object in the universe

The image of the Star Methuselah is considered the oldest object in the universe. (doc. Sky and Telescope)

There is an object in the form of a large star that is considered to have a very old age in the universe. No kidding, his age is estimated at 14.3 billion years with a span of approximately 800 million years, as revealed on the page Space. Wait a minute, how did this weird thing happen? In fact, the age of the universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years. How could a big star exist before the universe existed?

Oh, yes, this unique object is called the Methuselah Star. Why is it called Methuselah? Scientists and academics took the name from the name of a character in the Bible named Methuselah and he is the character with the longest age, which is 969 years. Well, specifically for Methuselah Star, there are at least two main explanations from astronomers regarding this matter.

First, there is a miscalculation that leads to the accumulation of numbers in the calculation of the age of the star. Some scientists and mathematicians believe that the age of the old star is actually still below the age of the universe. However, the second answer leads to a deeper mystery. The reason is, in 2014, an accurate calculation was found which stated that the object, also called HD140283, was more than 14 billion years old.

Well, until now it is not known how this star more than 14 billion years old can exist. This proves that the Methuselah Star has become one of the most unique things in the universe that baffles scientists.

2. The smallest particles that make up the universe

5 Most Unique Things That Can Be Learned From The Universe, What Are?illustration of atom (news.osu.edu)

Atoms are the smallest particles in the universe. In simple terms, atoms consist of several main constituent elements, namely electrons, protons, and neutrons. Atomic particles are also considered to be the smallest particles that make up various objects in the universe. After the Big Bang or the Big Bang, these tiny particles synergized with various fundamental energies and forces of nature.

However, it turns out that there is an even smaller particle named quark. Posted in the page Live Science, particle quark even smaller than the elements that make up the atom, namely electrons, protons, and neutrons. If the atomic size alone is smaller than a virus, the size of quark would be very difficult to calculate because it is valued thousands of times smaller than atomic particles.

Not quite there, in 2012, scientists and atomic experts discovered a very small particle and has a very powerful power. Yes, the particle is called the God Particle or the Higgs boson. It only takes a fist-sized Higss boson to destroy planets and stars. So, this very large universe is indeed unique because it is formed by a collection of atomic particles.

Also Read: Not a Bad Event, 5 Scientific Facts about Galactic Collisions in the Universe

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3. The biggest object in the universe

5 Most Unique Things That Can Be Learned From The Universe, What Are?The image of a quasar has a very massive size. (doc. NASA)

Do you think that the Sun is a big enough star? In fact, the Sun is a very small star and is barely visible when compared to other large objects. Reported Space, the largest object in the universe that human technology is willing to observe is the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall or HCB.

The supermassive object was detected in 2013 by a team of researchers from the University of Hungary. How big is it? Because of the size and breadth of the object, light takes 10 billion years to pass through the object’s structure from end to end. Meanwhile, the universe itself is only 13.8 billion years old and continues to expand until it reaches an area of ​​about 46 billion light years.

However, the HCB object is not a single stand -alone object. It is a combination of many objects, particles, and energies that form the largest galaxy structure in the universe. Named Hercules-Corona because the object is located in the constellations Hercules and Corona Borealis.

4. The coldest zone in the universe

5 Most Unique Things That Can Be Learned From The Universe, What Are?This image of the Boomerang Nebula is considered the coldest zone in the universe. (doc. NASA)

Written in the page Sci News, the universe has a very cold region and is even considered the coldest zone ever observed by human technology. The zone is located in the Boomerang Nebula and has a temperature of minus 272.5 degrees Celsius. Some scientists even claim that the temperature there can be well below that.

The Boomerang Nebula is considered quite unique because it was formed as a result of several large star explosions and their merging to create extremely cold conditions. Well, apparently, the nature of this nebula raises some big questions for many scientists. They assume that the Boomerang Nebula does not have the same character as other nebulae.

5. The hottest zone in the universe

5 Most Unique Things That Can Be Learned From The Universe, What Are?Image of the galaxy cluster RXJ1347 captured by the Suzaku Telescope. (skymania.com)

If the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest zone in the universe, the galaxy cluster RXJ1347 is the hottest zone in the universe. Reported Skymania, The zone or cluster of galaxies has temperatures reaching 300 million degrees Celsius. This 5 million light-year-long celestial object was first detected by the Japanese X-ray space telescope Suzaku in 2002.

In 2013, scientists discovered that the extremely high temperatures were caused by the collision of galaxies at a speed of 4,000 km per second. For your information, the temperature of the Sun’s core only ranges from 15 to 20 million degrees Celsius. However, it is still unknown whether the heat in the region is permanent or not.

Well, that’s right, right? Studying and investigating the unique things in the universe is very interesting and curious. Until now, all scientists in the field of astronomy are still doing a lot of studies, research, and research about our universe. So, I hope this article can be useful for you, yes.

Also read: 5 Facts about Hoag’s Object, the Most Mysterious Ring Galaxy in the Universe

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