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5 life lessons that the series gives us

The anime of the cosmic cat of the XXII century is already a whopping 48 years old, and offers us some of the most profound messages in its episodes

Since I joined the team of Areajugones, I’ve been able to write about a lot of things that I am passionate about: from the full summary from the anime of Pokémon until what famous people dub Studio Ghibli movies, among other things. However, there is something about which I had not yet had the opportunity to write: Doraemon.

The cosmic cat of the XXII century He’s been with me since I can remember, and I’ve learned a lot from him and his friends: Nobita, Shizuka, Suneo Y Giant. That is why I have prepared this article, with the 5 things that Doraemon teaches us, and that I think are very useful for life. I leave them below.

Studying is not everything

Let’s see, this section is not misunderstood (especially if you are a teenager who is fed up with the institute). Studying is very important, and, the further you go, the more options you will have later to face your future. All I’m saying is that it’s not life or death.

One of the protagonists of the series is Nobita, a boy who is given fatal studies. His mother gets very angry with him when he gets zeros on tests, or when he doesn’t do his homework. However, in episodes in which he has opened his heart more, he acknowledges that what really matters to him is that Nobita is a good person, and that he is happy.


Doraemon is a series that invites children not to study, to do like Nobita”. This is a phrase that I have ever heard. And I think it is completely false. In the attitude of Nobita’s mother, which I just mentioned, it is clear what the anime wants to teach: studying is very important, but, If a boy or girl tries hard at it and does not get results, it is not the end of the world. The important thing is that you are happy, a good person, and that you approach life the way you think you should.

Remember that Doraemon is a Japanese series, a country that has a high number of suicides among young people with great school pressure. For this reason, this message that it sends seems extremely important to me, and I think that children should be clear about it, whether in the Country of the Rising Sun, in Spain or anywhere else. It is not an invitation to touch your nose.

Nobita mother

Friendship is the most important

Another lesson that the anime of Doraemon it’s how important friendship is. We see it clearly in an episode where Doraemon stop caring for Nobita, and is replaced by his sister Dorami. The truth is that she is more effective in her work than her brother: she manages to Nobita Get to school on time, do homework, get better grades, and do something better in sports.

All this makes Nobita for a few moments, but deep down he’s not happy. The reason? That he no longer has his great friend Doraemon by his side, whom he considers as one more member of the family. With Dorami he gets along well, but he doesn’t have as strong a bond as the one that ties him to the blue robot cat.

This seems to me to be applicable to the life of any of us. What is going to make us happy is not earning more money at work, getting better grades or increase our performance in certain facets. What is going to make us happy is share life with people we love, be it family, friends or a partner.

Doraemon and Nobita

Treat people well

Another of the most important characters of Doraemon it is Shizuka. All the characters in the series consider the young woman to be a being of light, an angel. Although on many occasions in the series reference is made to her being very pretty, this is not the main reason why she is considered in this regard.

The reason everyone loves Shizuka is because of her attitude towards others.. He is always very sensitive, he listens to everyone, he puts himself in their shoes and tries to help them as much as he can. This is why Shizuka She falls so well, either to her close ones or to people who have just met her.

I think we should try to be like Shizuka. If we all treat each other well we will make the world a better place, and we can be a little happier, better people and better friends.


Do not think you are better than everyone

On the opposite side of the attitude of Shizuka we have that of Giant. This young think he’s the best kid in the whole neighborhood, and he believes he has the right to hit others, take their things from them or force them to go to the concerts he celebrates.

The result? People turn away from him. They make complex plans to be able to slip away from his concerts, and avoid meeting him on the street on several occasions. They also leave you out of your funniest plans. In several episodes we have been able to see how this greatly distresses Takeshi, which, deep down, Do you feel lonely. The truth is that, in my opinion, if you continue to have friends it is because they are very good, perhaps in excess.

The conclusion I draw from all this is that it is okay to have self-esteem and value yourself. But we must not forget that other people have the same rights as us, and that no one is better than anyone.

Giant and Nobita

Showing off doesn’t increase your value as a person

Another important character in the series is Suneo, who is part of a very wealthy family. Thanks to this, his life is full of luxuries, and he does not hesitate to invite his friends to his house just to show off his latest acquisition.

Far from appreciating him more for it, his friends do just the opposite. They do not believe that I am a better person because I can buy more things, but they consider him a bore for not stopping to show off what his position allows him to have.

From here we can draw two lessons. The first, that not because you have more money and more things, you are a better person. The second, that bragging too much is not going to make you a better person, nor will it serve to make others value you more or like you better. It’s okay to share your successes with the people you care about, but without an attitude of superiority.


And here comes the summary of the life lessons that doraemon anime gives us. What do you think the list? Can you think of any teaching about Doraemon that does not appear in the article? Do not hesitate to share it in the comments.

Finally, I remind you that my partner Cristian He has offered you information on the last two films in the franchise. One is Stand By Me Doraemon 2. The other, Eiga Doraemon: Nobita no Little Star Wars.

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