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5 Kaido Moments Show a Little Good Side in One Piece

When drunk, Kaido is an unpredictable figure. He could suddenly become a dragon and destroy his surroundings, or hit his men just because of a small mistake.

But when he was conscious, Kaido sometimes showed a few moments of the good and honorable side.

Anything? These are the moments when Kaido shows the good side in One Piece!

1. Showing respect for Oden during execution

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In the end, Kaido who personally executed Oden after the tough guy survived the boiling.

However, before Kaido killed Oden, he first said that Oden would continue to be discussed for a long time due to his extraordinary manner of death.

Kaido also apologized for the act of the grandmother, Kurozumi Higurashi, and he said he had killed the woman. Only then did Kaido shoot Oden.

This moment is reminiscent of events such as Thanos’s words to Iron Man in Infinity War. When a strong criminal respects the strength of his enemy.

Also Read: 4 King’s Clues Are the Most Reliable Kaido’s Men in One Piece

2. Welcoming Tobi Roppo well

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Overall, in the scene One Piece 979, you can see Kaido can be friendly to certain subordinates.

He offers drinks to the shelves Tobi Roppo. Then when Sasaki said he wanted to drink only with Kaido, not with ordinary men, Kaido agreed at the party later. He also admitted that he had made it Tobi Roppo waiting for him.

Though, actually Kaido didn’t really call Tobi Roppo. He could have ignored all six of his men. But he still came to meet them.

Miraculously, Kaido was not angry when Ulti agreed that waiting a long time was annoying. Kaido calmly revealed that he was not the one calling Tobi Roppo to the meeting.

Even though, if Yamato could just drop Ulti with Raimei HakkeKaido might as well kill Ulti with the same attack.

3. Do not punish King even though King uses the name Kaido without permission

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King took the initiative to help deal with Yamato’s problem by calling Tobi Roppo. But King was suspicious of a few Tobi Roppo, Sasaki and Who’s Who especially, will not come if they know the caller is himself.

So King called Tobi Roppo on behalf of Kaido.

Although his name was abused without his permission, Kaido did not punish King. After King explained why he was calling Tobi Roppo, Kaido ordered the six men to bring Yamato back.

4. Make Yamato as shogun

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Kaido is not really a good father. He put explosive handcuffs on his son, and he said often beat Yamato.

However, there are signs that Kaido actually loves Yamato. One of his clues is that he still points to Yamato as shogun.

There may be other factors behind the decision. As Yamato did not allow Kaido to leave Onigashima, so if Kaido, All-Star, and Tobi Roppo having to leave the island often, Yamato is the strongest fighter left.

But still, this meant that Kaido did not consider Yamato to be trash or a disgrace. Unlike the Vinsmoke Judge who had all the little Sanji confined.

Kaido didn’t even mind introducing Yamato to Big Mom, but Yamato had run away first. If Yamato was a child who made Kaido embarrassed, he would not show it off to important guests.

I became suspicious that Kaido was putting handcuffs on Yamato not to torture, but to be overprotective of his child.

5. Respect the power of the person he defeated

5 Kaido Moments Show a Little Good Side in One Piece Toei Animation/One Piece

Kaido actually defeats Luffy in one attack Raimei Hakke only. Luffy’s attacks only succeeded in making Kaido aware of being drunk, and there were no signs of injuring him. But he did not consider Luffy weak.

In fact, in chapter 924, Kaido feels Luffy will be a great warrior for him.

The problem is, to make Luffy or another fighter a warrior, Kaido did not hesitate to order his men to destroy their determination.

However, I really felt that if Luffy was indeed his soldier, Kaido’s attitude towards him would be the same as the way Kaido treated him Tobi Roppo.

Those were the five moments Kaido showed the good side of One Piece. He seems to be the type that appreciates a strong figure.

This actually makes liking Kaido easier than liking Orochi. From the looks of it to chapter 985, Orochi is the type of villain who really has no positive side.

What do you think about the good sides of Kaido? One Piece this? Convey in the comments column!

Also Read: 6 Facts of the Queen, One of the Kaido All-Star Groups in One Piece

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