Home » Business » 5 Important Steps to Take When Dealing with Storm Damage and Insurance Claims

5 Important Steps to Take When Dealing with Storm Damage and Insurance Claims

Heilbronn (dpa/tmn) – Anyone who has to deal with damage to their house or apartment after a violent storm often cannot think clearly. It is essential to keep a cool head. Because the subsequent steps decide whether the insurance company pays for the repair of the damage.

Homeowners insurance basically pays for damage to the house and permanently installed inventory. Contents insurance takes effect if furniture or valuables are damaged as a result of a storm. But the police alone is not enough. Siegfried Karle, President of the consumer organization Money and Consumers (GVI), names the five most important rules of conduct in the event of an emergency:

1. Take immediate action to limit the damage. Seal any broken windows to prevent further ingress of rain.

2. Inform your insurer immediately after the damage has occurred.

3. Only arrange for necessary repairs after consultation with the insurer.

4. Document storm damage with photos, videos, or other evidence prior to cleanup. Newspaper reports about storm events can also be helpful.

5. If possible, only remove damaged objects after consulting the insurer.

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2023-07-05 16:36:32
#dealing #damage #caused #storm

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