Home » Health » 5 herbs and spices that can reduce the effect of drugs

5 herbs and spices that can reduce the effect of drugs

Green tea

Everyone knows about the benefits of green tea – it has antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory, promotes the expansion of cerebral vessels, improves its nutrition, oxygen supply. All this is so if you drink 2-3 cups of quality green tea per day. Although it is not shown to everyone – after all, a drink can lower blood pressure and harm ulcers.

Taking green tea extract as a dietary supplement can also be hazardous to health.. There is evidence that green tea extract may reduce the effectiveness of some statins and some beta-blockers used to treat hypertension. Also concentrated green tea supplements may interact with some vasoconstrictors.

Thistle or milk thistle

It is believed that this plant has many beneficial properties, and the active substance silymarin contained in it is called the first “protector” of the liver. Milk thistle extract is one of the most popular dietary supplements. But it also has side effects.

Some drugs are processed in the liver and milk thistle can lower their metabolism. Taking milk thistle along with medications can affect how they work and even increase side effects. For example, when taking drugs for seizures or epilepsy, gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis, and a number of others, you should first consult a doctor if you are going to take milk thistle.

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