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5 Healthy Fall Habits for Your Mind and Body

Usually, in this rainy season, people tend to spend their days in the perimeter of the house, which can lead to a lack of movement and, sometimes, to the need to eat more, especially when watching movies. Some habits built during the summer tend to disappear, especially if we are no longer as ambitious to lose weight and have a body ready for thin clothes and the beach. It’s just that, no matter if it’s cold or hot outside, no matter if we expose our bodies or not, it’s important to take care of our health – physical, but also mental.

That’s why, today, we offer you 5 healthy habits that you can take into account this fall, so that you can prioritize your care over yourself.

1. Moisturize yourself sufficiently

It is very likely that, in the cool seasons, you will no longer feel the need to drink water so acutely. However, your body and organs still need hydration. Buy one 19 L apa drum and consume water regularly. Whether you consume it in its pure form, or in soups, soups and teas, it is important to hydrate yourself sufficiently throughout the day.

2. Even if it’s cold outside, walk every day

Although it is more tempting to spend the day watching movies, especially after you come home from work and are tired, try to do a minimum of movement. Maybe you don’t have time to go to the gym or to run, but you can try to walk every day – either walk back from work (if you have the opportunity), or dedicate at least 15 minutes to a walk in nature. If it’s the weekend, it’s recommended to go out during the day, especially if the weather conditions are good, to enjoy the autumn rays of the sun, the rustle of the leaves and the vivid and strong colors that this season creates.

3. Get enough rest

The fact that the day is getting shorter and the night is longer can be a suitable excuse to go to bed earlier and respect the 7-8 hours of sleep recommended for any adult. Avoid staying up late at night and try to go to bed at reasonable hours, because it is important to rest. Thus, having a rested body and brain, you will be able to function better and more efficiently throughout the day.

4. Read daily

Although it is more tempting and easier to binge watch series, on rainy and cold days, try to allocate time for reading. If you don’t already have it, you can form the habit of reading at least a few pages in the evening, before going to bed. At first it may be more difficult, but once you get into your rhythm and stop scrolling through social networks before going to bed, you will see that you will fall asleep much easier (even if, sometimes, the book will captivate you so much, that you won’t be able to put it down and you’ll want, maybe, to finish it).

So, even if you read at night, before going to bed, or during the day, when you catch a free moment and want to relax, it is important to try to do it daily, because in this way you will give your mind the necessary food, you will learn new things and you will relax.

5. Eat healthy

Last but not least, even if there are not so many greens, fruits and vegetables, try to keep a balanced diet and eat healthy. And autumn is the offerer in terms of vegetables and fruits, which is why you can have a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients. You can make salads (hot ones can really be part of the comfort food category and are delicious), cream soups, different stews and sometimes, when you have a sweet tooth, you can try apple, pumpkin, plum tarts or salads from seasonal fruits.

This fall, try to give your body and mind the necessary care. Hydrate yourself enough, eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, exercise, read and follow the example of the bear – get enough rest! However, don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of autumn, let yourself be caressed by the sun’s rays, feel the rustle of the leaves and listen to the sound of the rain!

Photo source: Unsplash.com


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2023-11-10 17:27:03
#healthy #habits #adopt #autumn

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