Tuesday, 31 January 2023 – 11:45 WIB
VIVA Lifestyle – Controlling what you drink is important to maintain levels blood sugar stay stable. There are several healthy drinking habits to maintain blood sugar levels.
A number of drinks with added sugar and high in calories can be the culprits obtained from blood sugar. You need to balance it with other nutrients such as protein and fiber. Therefore, it is important for you to adopt healthy risky drinking habits to prevent it diabetes. The following include, launching Eat This Not That.
Illustration of drinking water / plain water.
Photo :
- Pexels/Karolina Gabrowska
1. Drink White Water regularly
Hydrating the body will help lower blood sugar over time. High blood sugar naturally causes dehydration and will make you feel very thirsty. Drinking enough water throughout the day will naturally improve blood glucose response.
“Drinking lots of water and other non-sweetened kidney drinks helps build up excess sugar in the urine,” says nutritionist Melissa Mitri.
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Not only that, continued Mitri, observational studies also found that people who drink more air per day have a lower risk of high blood sugar.