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5 Health Problems to Watch Out for This Summer

[Voice of Hope July 2, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) Summer is a hot and changeable season. Many people like to enjoy the sunshine and coolness in summer, but we should also pay attention to prevent some health problems that are prone to occur in summer.

With the continuous high temperature weather, people sweat a lot and consume a lot of physical strength, and they are prone to symptoms such as loss of appetite, fatigue, and indigestion, which will lead to the occurrence of diseases. The following is an inventory of the 5 health problems that are most likely to occur in summer.

summer (pixabay)

In summer, due to the high temperature, food is easy to breed bacteria. In addition, people usually prefer frozen, cold, and uncooked cool food in summer. If you accidentally eat food contaminated by bacteria, or drink it Most of the clean cold water can’t escape the “clutch” of diarrhea, causing acute gastroenteritis.


– Wash hands before meals and after going to the toilet, try to avoid eating at mobile vendors and restaurants with poor hygiene conditions, and do not eat while walking with food;

– Summer food should be mainly light, eat more vegetables and fruits, do not be greedy for cold drinks, and do not overeat each meal to avoid damage to gastrointestinal function.

Shushi cold is a common cold type in summer. In summer, if the cold is mixed with moisture, it will form a summer damp cold. The main symptoms of Shushi cold are dizziness, body weight and fatigue, upset and dry mouth, poor appetite, yellow and greasy tongue coating, less and yellow urine output.

dizzy (pixabay)


– To prevent summer-damp cold, eat more spicy, cool, sweet and sour foods in your daily diet, and eat less sweet, fat, greasy foods;

– Once you have mild symptoms, you can take Huoxiangzhengqi water, honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum tea and other heat-clearing and heat-clearing drinks. If the symptoms are severe, seek medical treatment in time;

– In addition, proper exercise is also a good way to get rid of dampness and heat. Sweating can expel dampness and heat from the body.

Especially after entering the three-volt period, the weather will become hotter and hotter. The sultry weather can easily make people feel irritable, and many people can’t sleep well at night, or even suffer from insomnia. Frequent insomnia can lead to emotional instability, sluggish response, headache, weakness of limbs, swollen eyes and other symptoms, making people in a sub-health state.


– As the saying goes, “a calm mind naturally cools down”, try to keep a relaxed mood during the day, don’t think too much before going to bed, clear your brain, calm your mind, and the symptoms of insomnia will naturally be relieved.

– In addition, a proper lunch break in summer can supplement sleep and enhance physical strength, but the lunch break should not be too long.

Heatstroke (PhotoAC)

The hot weather in summer can easily cause heatstroke, which is mainly caused by the loss of balance in body temperature regulation in a high-temperature environment, excessive accumulation of body heat, and disturbance of water and salt metabolism.

The disease usually occurs in high temperature and high humidity weather in summer. Symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, nausea, and vomiting may appear after heatstroke, and fainting or convulsions may occur in severe cases, even life-threatening.


– If you have symptoms of heat stroke, you should quickly leave the high-temperature environment and rest in a cool and ventilated place;

– Drink more light salt water;

– When going out in summer, it is best to avoid the time period from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, take good protection when going out, and carry some heatstroke prevention and cooling medicines with you, such as Shidishui, Fengyoujing, etc.;

– Clothes should also be made of cotton, linen, silk and other materials as much as possible. Wear less chemical fiber clothes, so as not to dissipate heat in time when sweating a lot, causing heatstroke.

The climate in summer is humid, which is conducive to the growth and reproduction of various fungi and bacteria. In addition, people tend to sweat in summer and their skin is easy to get wet. If they are not cleaned in time and kept dry, fungi will invade our skin and cause skin ringworm, such as athlete’s foot. Ringworm, ringworm etc.

In addition, many young men are prone to tinea corporis and tinea versicolor (sweat spots) in summer, which is related to the large amount of perspiration. If you don’t wash it in time after sweating, papules, blisters, scales, etc. will also form, which will damage the skin health.

洗澡 (Ordinary Guy /Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0)


– The key to preventing this type of skin disease is to keep the skin clean and dry, take a bath frequently, and change clothes in time after sweating. Use separately.

Editor in charge: Li Zhi

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2023-07-02 10:33:25

#Summer #hot #common #problems #Sustained #high #temperature #Shushi #cold #Insomnia

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