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5 Health Benefits of Peanuts: Regulate Blood Sugar, Lower Cholesterol, Reduce Risk of Stroke, Cancer, and Maintain Weight

Peanuts. Photo : Ricardo/JPNN.com

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – WHO who do not like to eat peanuts. Peanuts are foods that are rich in various nutritional content.

Groundnut It has a fairly high protein and healthy fat content.

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In addition, the nutritional content of peanuts per 100 grams of material are calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C, water and fiber.

Peanuts can be processed in various forms of food. Starting from peanut crackers, peanut butter, peanut cake, peanut biscuits, and others.

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Regular consumption of peanuts is also good for the health of the body, it can even help you lose weight.

The following is an explanation, as reported by the page Genpi.co.

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1. Regulate blood sugar

Peanuts consumed every day can help lower blood sugar in sufferers disease diabetes.

The antioxidant properties also help repair the vascular damage done by excess blood sugar in the body.

Therefore, you can also avoid diabetes, as well as adopt other healthy lifestyles.

2. Lower cholesterol

Peanuts are often overlooked for their fat content. However, the good fats in peanuts actually help maintain heart health.

Eating peanuts can also prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood arteries, thereby reducing the risk of heart arrest.

3. Reducing the risk of stroke

Peanuts contain high amounts of HDL, which is known as good cholesterol.

These foods also contain healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which lower bad cholesterol and keep arteries clean.

You will certainly avoid blood vessel disease, such as stroke if you often eat peanuts.

4. Reducing the risk of cancer

Peanuts are high in antioxidants and polyphenols, which are anticancer agents.

Efficacy of course can reduce the risk of colon and stomach cancer.

Peanuts also reduce the production of carcinogens, as well as prevent damage to the body due to free radicals in our body.

5. Maintain weight

Peanuts are known to contain high protein and low calories.

Eating peanuts can maintain body weight to remain ideal.

Eating these peanuts also suppresses appetite during the day.genpi/jpnn)

Editor & Reporter : Fany

2023-06-09 23:09:59
#Benefits #Peanuts #Prevent #Diseases #JPNN.com

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