To use acupuncture points for health care, you don’t have to go for foot massage. The acupoints on both hands can be used for health care. For example, the Hegu point, which is called a universal point, is located at the tiger’s mouth of both hands. It can be pressed at any time, which is very convenient for health care. There are many other points on the hands. The acupuncture points that can be applied and massaged from time to time can help health. Below, Dr. Liao Zhichen from Changshengtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic will share with you 5 hand health acupuncture points to help with health care in autumn and winter.
Chinese medicine practitioners recommend 5 hand health acupoints
Acupuncture health care is not limited to foot massage. The human body has 12 main meridians, half of which pass through the hands. Here we will introduce 5 hand health acupoints to facilitate daily self-pressure.
Hegu point
Efficacy: Hegu point has the effect of dispersing wind evil and clearing lung qi. In other words, it will be used for colds and many problems on the head and face, including headaches, facial nerve paralysis, allergic rhinitis, etc. It is also one of the important acupuncture points for facial beauty.
Acupoint selection method: The Hegu point is located at the tiger’s mouth of the hand, between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger. When pressed, the soreness and swelling will be obvious. You can also put your thumb and index finger together. The highest point of the bulge is the Hegu point. This point is prohibited during pregnancy.
Quchi point
Efficacy: Another acupoint commonly used for colds is Quchi point. It has the effects of dispelling evil heat, benefiting joints, dispelling rheumatism, and regulating qi and blood. In addition, because it is located at the elbow joint, it can also be used for tennis elbow and neuralgia near the elbow and arm.
Acupoint selection method: When we bend our elbow, the Quchi point is at the end of the horizontal stripe of the cubital fossa on the outside of the elbow.
Neiguan point
Efficacy: The effect of Neiguan point is to calm the mind and calm the mind, harmonize the stomach and relieve vomiting, and widen the chest. Therefore, it is often used for symptoms such as restlessness, chest tightness, palpitations, and insomnia. In addition, you can also take advantage of it if you encounter motion sickness, seasickness, etc.
Point selection method: Neiguan point is located on the inside of the arm, about three finger widths below the wrist crease, and between two tendons (flexor carpi radialis tendon and palmaris longus tendon).
Shinmon hole
Efficacy: Shenmen point is the original point of the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin, which can calm the mind and clear the heart fire. It can be used to improve insomnia and calm anxious mood.
Method for selecting acupoints: Place the palm of your hand upward, next to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon on the inside of the wrist joint. The little finger corresponds to the tendon on the wrist. The side close to the thumb is Shenmen.
Laogong point
Efficacy: Laogong point is similar to Shenmen point, both are good at purging heart fire and clearing blood heat. Therefore, it can also treat insomnia. In addition to upset, it is also helpful for bad breath caused by heat images.
Acupoint selection method: The Laogong acupoint is in the palm of the hand, corresponding to the middle finger when making a fist.
Further reading:8 kinds of black food can nourish the kidneys and nourish hair!Chinese medicine teaches you how to eat and match 2 acupuncture points for better maintenance
How to press acupuncture points?
Usually on acupuncture points with relatively large spaces, we will use the pulp of the thumb or bend the index finger to press with the knuckles. For example, Hegu point, Quchi point and Laogong point are suitable for this method. For acupoints located in smaller spaces, such as Neiguan and Shenmen, you can choose to press them with your index finger or even your nails.
However, temporary nail marks will appear when the nails are pressed. If you are concerned about it, you can still choose to use the thumb or index finger to press. The direction of compression is usually vertical, and the force and time used should be as strong as the body can bear. It is sufficient if there is a feeling of soreness and swelling. You can rest in the middle, or you can repeat the massage. If you feel unwell, you should stop immediately and continue to observe your physical condition, and seek professional assistance if necessary.
You can also observe your health through your hands
Since half of the meridians pass through the hands, the hands can naturally reflect a lot of body information. For example, people with yin deficiency constitution tend to have hot palms, especially in the afternoon and evening. In addition, they may also experience symptoms such as dry mouth and insomnia, which often appear in menopause, people who work night shifts and people who stay up late for a long time. .
In addition to temperature, clinical examination will also look at the muscles of the hands, the texture of the skin, the distribution of veins, etc., combined with the Four Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to provide a comprehensive and complete assessment of the body.
Tips for healing days
For ordinary people, acupuncture points can only provide health care but cannot cure diseases. If there is any disease or discomfort in the body, it is still necessary to seek help from a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner in order to properly diagnose and treat the disease.
Recommended extended treatment days: Autumn health acupuncture points to prevent allergies and relieve cough and asthma!Chinese medicine teaches you how to massage 2 acupoints on your hands and nose to relieve throat discomfort
Have a good chat to heal your healthy life
Visit the experts: Cheong Shing Tong Chinese Medicine Clinic Dr. Liao Zhichen, a Chinese medicine practitioner
Image source: 123RF
2023-10-03 08:52:45
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