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5 habits that trigger diabetes that are often ignored

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia

Diabetes or diabetes it is said to be triggered by an excess of sugar. There are several habit triggers diabetes which is often overlooked.

Diabetes is a condition in which sugar is found in the urine.

Diabetes is a condition that refers to a condition in which insulin can no longer function optimally. This causes sugar, which is supposed to be turned into energy, to build up and cause various problems.

According to the WHO, diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high levels of glucose or sugar in the blood, which over time causes serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

However, diabetes generally doesn’t develop overnight. A number of habits, including a consumptive lifestyle and minimal physical activity, trigger the development of diabetes.

The following habits trigger diabetes:

1. Consuming sweet drinks too often

One of the common unhealthy habits is drinking soda to quench your thirst, even though all you need is mineral water. This is because the sugar content of sweet drinks such as soda, packaged tea and others can be very high.

For many people, cutting out sugary sodas leads to rapid weight loss.

2. Eating too much sugar

Diabetes or diabetes is when the body cannot deliver enough insulin to allow glucose (sugar) to enter the hungry cells of the body. Therefore, the best way to avoid it is to follow a diet that does not burden the insulin intake.

Experts recommend choosing foods that break down slowly or have limited sugars, such as proteins, whole grains, and vegetables.

3. Mager aka lazy to move

A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for diabetes. Therefore, experts suggest starting with small things like walking in the morning, walking after eating instead of finishing dessert or taking pets.

In fact, any activity can improve insulin sensitivity and slow the development of diabetes.

4. Mostly sitting

According to endocrinologists, even if you exercise regularly, sitting for long periods of time can cause metabolic changes that raise blood sugar, weaken muscles, and harm heart health.

It’s recommended that you set a timer that reminds you to get up and move around every hour for at least five to ten minutes.

If you can’t afford to take a short walk outside, go up and down stairs, do some laps around your house or apartment, do some jumping or anything else to get your heart rate up, it’s very beneficial for the body.

5. Uncontrolled eating

According to experts, some diabetic patients are helped by limiting themselves to eating only during meals or before certain hours of the night.

These are a series of diabetes-triggering habits that make blood sugar uncontrollable and increase the risk of diabetes.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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