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5 Fruits to Lower Blood Pressure and Prevent Hypertension Diseases

Jakarta: Hypertension is still a disease that is often experienced by people. As of 2019, data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the estimated number of hypertension cases in Indonesia is 63,309,620 people.

Furthermore, the death rate in Indonesia due to hypertension is 427,218 deaths. Hypertension occurs in the age group 31-44 years (31.6 percent), age 45-54 years (45.3 percent), age 55-64 years (55.2 percent).

Hypertension itself is a condition when blood pressure is at 130/80 mmHg or more. If not treated immediately, hypertension can cause serious life-threatening diseases, such as heart failure, kidney disease, and stroke.

Because it takes lives and varies in every symptom, hypertension gets the term ‘the silent killer’ or a disease that kills silently. This is because people with hypertension generally do not experience any symptoms until their blood pressure is too high and life threatening.

One thing that needs to be regulated to maintain blood pressure is to eat nutritious food. Fruits include foods that people with hypertension can consume. Well, there are five fruits that are believed to be very suitable for lowering blood pressure, including:

1. Bananas

Bananas are known to contain potassium, which helps balance the amount of salt in the body, so it can control blood pressure. You can also consume bananas directly or baked.

2. Kiwi

Quoted from HealthReplies.com, a study found that hypertension sufferers who regularly consumed three kiwis a day experienced a faster reduction in blood pressure. In addition, kiwi is also a fruit that contains many nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, and folate.

(Photo: Illustration. Doc. Freepik.com)

3. Watermelon

This fruit contains various nutrients that are beneficial to the health of the body, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. In addition, the content of L-citrulline in it can help dilate blood vessels, so it can lower blood pressure.

4. Wine

Grapes contain polyphenols which are useful for controlling blood pressure. These polyphenols are known as antioxidants which can help fight free radicals in the body.

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is known to be good for maintaining blood pressure. This is because of the potassium levels contained in it. This fruit also contains vitamin K, fiber, vitamin C, and folate.

Aulia Putriningtias

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