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5 foods that promote inflammation in the body

A diet balanced it is among the best choices that can be made. Although some foods, we tend to forget, can trigger gods inflammatory processes in the long run deleterious to the organism. And in turn produce problematic consequences, if not real pathologies.

Obviously all foods produce processes of this type. With those for example rich in macro and micronutrients, there are fewer chances. In chronic inflammation the body loses its ability to fight disease as the immune system can emerge weakened.

So it’s worth it carefully analyze your daily diet. And see if we’re overdoing it with some of the riskiest elements and ingredients, from sugar to fried foods.

The sugar, especially refined, is among these elements, moreover without surprise. If you overdo it, calories accumulate without any additional nutritional value, with inflammation often triggered by fructose. As is well known, sugar affects the insulin levels which they can in turn produce imbalances in the complex hormonal puzzle. Better to eliminate it whenever possible and prepare fruit desserts, using the sugar already naturally present.

The trans fatty acids are among the most harmful and obviously i fried foods they are rich in it. They are naturally present in some foods (especially milk, some meat derivatives) but in completely reduced concentrations compared to those of industrial products containing hydrogenated fats. WHO would like eliminate them by 2023 from food of industrial origin to reduce the number of related annual deaths, especially from cardiovascular causes. Consuming too many fried foods not only makes you fat but also increases the inflammatory protein known as C-reactive (CRP). Secreted by the liver, it is released in response to inflammatory processes. Which is why your blood levels rise significantly if inflammation is ongoing.

Even the alcoholic they are responsible for triggering these processes. These are calories that are not absorbed by the body, that is, they do not serve to create energy, at least not immediately, and are quickly transformed into grasso. Among other things, excess alcohol can reduce the absorption of some nutrients, also causing nutritional deficiencies, and thus favoring the accumulation at the visceral level. The effects are numerous and mainly depend on ethanol. Alcohol in general they force our liver to overwork, fatiguing him. And triggering inflammatory states, not only in the liver but also in the intestine.

Pizza and pasta, cornerstones of Italian cuisine. Yet even with these beloved foods you have to be careful, because of them high glycemic index. If we consume it in moderation we will not have problems but the more the diet is rich in sugars and quickly digested starchy foods (bread, pasta, potatoes), the more we feed the production of Age, a series of chemical compounds produced when sugars combine with proteins or fats (advanced glycation). Some scientific evidence is correlating the presence of total Age in the organism precisely to inflammatory processes, dysmetabolic pathologies, atherosclerosis and renal insufficiency.

Replace the sugar with artificial sweeteners will it help you lose calories? Maybe. But abusing it will, again, trigger inflammatory processes. Also because they will produce bad consequences for the intestinal microbiota, in particular by decreasing the levels of good bacteria called “bacteroids”, main constituents of the microbiota and which produce substances useful for our body as well as digesting food and defending us against pathogenic microorganisms.


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