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5 foods that keep you from bloating

You are often bloated and do not know what to do to get rid of the feeling of discomfort? Find out what foods you could eat to solve this problem!

Usually, bloating occurs due to the following causes: inadequate nutrition (sugar, carbohydrates and hard dietary fiber, for example, peas, fried foods, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks are just a few), constipation, slow intestinal transit, water retention and stress. You may also have lactose intolerance, and if you are a woman be before menstruation. Irritable bowel syndrome is also a factor in the onset of bloating.

First of all, you need to see what caused your bloating and if it is repeated, it is advisable to consult a doctor specializing in gastroenterology. However, until you get to the doctor, how can you naturally fight bloating? You could give up hearty meals and eat little and often. Chew food very well. Do not eat fruit immediately after a meal, but after 2-3 hours. Eliminates stress.


They contain prebiotic fibers, which have the role of feeding the “good” bacteria in the intestines and thus improve the digestion process. Research shows that if you eat 2 bananas a day for 2 months before meals, the problem of bloating will be reduced by 50% and the level of bacteria useful for digestion will increase. Bananas are also very rich in potassium, which will help balance the level of sodium in the body, because it is often responsible for water retention in the body.


It contains lactase, an enzyme of animal origin that is beneficial for digesting foods containing lactose in high proportions. That unmistakable sweet taste of natural milk is given by a saccharide called lactose. Many people have problems with it, the stomach tolerating it very hard. A study conducted by Ohio State University found that this product reduces by 70% the symptoms of lactose digestion, such as stomach pain, gas and bloating, eatthis.com reports.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro what other foods to eat when you suffer from bloating!

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