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5 Facts about the Planet Neptune, from Diamond Rain to Frightening Storms

JAKARTAPlanet Neptune known planets that are very far away when measured from planet Earth to the sun. Because the distance from Earth to Neptune can be 30 times the distance from Earth to the Sun. Because of the distance, there is very little exploration of the planet Neptune.

It is only known that Neptune is a blue planet like Earth. If Earth is blue because of the atmosphere and the oceans that cover 70% of its surface, Neptune’s blue color is due to the arrangement of the planet’s atmosphere. Neptune’s atmosphere is made up of helium and hydrogen.

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In addition, Neptune’s atmosphere is made up of methane, ammonia, water and ice. It is the methane in the atmosphere that makes the planet blue.

1. Diamond Rain

Unlike on Earth, the rain that happens on Neptune represents a rain of diamonds. This is known from research conducted by an international team of scientists using the Linac Coherent Light Sources (LCLS) X-ray laser from SLAC’s Linac National Accelerator Laboratory.

Their research found that Neptune’s abundant carbon material instantly transitioned into a rain of diamonds. This process was tested by scientists with their experiments.

In this experiment, they found that when carbon is compressed into diamonds, the remaining atoms break down into hydrogen, leaving practically no carbon left behind. In other words, all the carbon has turned into diamond.

2. Discovered Astronomer Galle

The German astronomer Gottfried Galle was the person who first discovered the planet Neptune on September 23, 1846. However, the discovery of the Planet Neptune could not be separated from the information provided by his colleagues.

At that time the French astronomer Urbain-Jean-Joseph Le Verrier, who calculated the approximate location of the planet by studying the disturbance caused by gravity in Uranus’s motion informed Galle of his discovery.

That same night, Galle and his assistant Heinrich Louis d’Arrest identified Neptune at their observatory in Berlin. Galle watched its relative motion for 24 hours thus confirming that it was a planet.

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