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5 Extraordinary Facts About Breastfeeding You Need To Know

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Mother’s Milk Water (Breast milk) is the first food that a baby consumes after birth. Breastmilk is a living liquid, each drop of which is unique.

According to community nutritionist, Dr. Tan Shot Yen, there is personal signature inside ABOUT. Therefore, breast milk is not traded and protected by law.

Tan also conveyed that there are at least 5 unique facts about breastfeeding that not many people know. The five unique facts are:

“First, the composition of breast milk is never the same between one mother and another,” said Tan via text message to Health Liputan6.com, written Monday (24/5/2021).

Second, even, to the same mother, ABOUT in the morning the composition is different from breast milk in the afternoon. The milk that comes out early is different from the last milk when the baby is breastfed.

Third, there is an intimate communication through the baby’s saliva which makes breast milk always produced according to the needs of the breastfeeding baby.

“So when the baby has a fever, for example, the mother’s milk is higher in antibodies than usual.”

The fourth unique fact about breastfeeding is that expressed milk is a forced condition, if there is stock, always give the newest milk. The newest milk has a composition that is closest to the baby’s needs.

Fifth, breast milk is a living substance from mothers that children cannot get from technocrats.

“Because, breastfeeding is about a nature that throughout all centuries will not be replaced.”

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