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5 extraordinary exercises to do every morning to have perfect and toned buttocks

One point on the body that we tend to try to improve or enhance with the right clothing is the buttocks. Precisely on this point it is good to clarify, however, that a good side b often does not depend only on the exercises we do. For this reason, it would be appropriate to combine traditional exercises for muscle tone with those for correct ones position.

The best time to tone your body is right there morning as soon as you wake up. Among other things, doing physical activity will improve our mood in general and will make us start with an extra gear.

So let’s go immediately to see these 5 extraordinary exercises to do every morning to have perfect and toned buttocks that are the envy of the best bodybuilders.

Let’s start with a bridge or glute bridge

Right after the warm-up, we start with a light but very functional exercise. Let us lie on our backs on the floor, put our feet on the ground and bend our legs. From this position we lift the hips upwards and contract the buttocks without bending the back. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

A good dose of cardio with lunges

After seeing the first of the 5 extraordinary exercises to do every morning to have perfect and toned buttocks, let’s move on to a more dynamic one. Lunges are ideal for toning not only the buttocks but also the legs. Standing upright and with your back straight, take steps forward by bending your knees at 90 degrees. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg, all 20 times per leg.

Obviously the dear and loved squat

Everyone knows it precisely because it is the best exercise to firm the buttocks. We always start standing, slightly with the legs apart and always go down with the back straight and the buttocks out. Keep the buttocks tight for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Bulgarian lunges for strong buttocks and legs

For these types of lunges you will need the support of a chair or sofa. Standing we can the foot on one of these surfaces and keep the balance. From here, just do a normal lunge like the one described above.

The invisible chair

To finish the circuit we do this exercise which helps a lot to tone the buttocks. With the shoulders and the body completely to the wall, we begin to go down and bend the knees as if we wanted to sit down. It will be necessary to stop when the buttocks are at the same height as the pelvis and resist in this position for at least 30 seconds.

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