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“5 Essential Plant-Based Nutrients for a Healthy Body”

Important nutrition not only from animal ingredients, you know!

illustration of people picking fruit (pexels.com/Mikhail Nilov)

Often times, people still believe that nutrients or essential nutrients that the body needs come from animal products or materials, for example protein. Many think that the only source of protein comes from meat and milk. Then, do vegetarians not have protein in their bodies?

Is it true that vegetarians don’t eat protein at all? Of course they consume. Vegetarians know that the vegetable ingredients consumed certainly contain protein and other nutrients needed by the body.

Come on, see the explanation below to find examples of plant materials that contain important nutrients needed by the body.

1. Protein

illustration of a person picking almonds (pexels.com/cottonbro studio)
Protein is one of the important nutrients for the body. Protein plays a role in repairing damaged body cells, building muscles, and speeding up the wound healing process. Protein is very well consumed by children, teenagers and pregnant women.

Reported by page Mayo Clinic Health System, the protein requirement needed by humans is around 0.8 grams of body weight. Meanwhile, people who exercise regularly have a protein requirement of 1.1-1.5 grams of body weight. However, consuming too much protein can increase saturated fat which is harmful to the heart and the risk of developing kidney disease.

There are many vegetable ingredients that contain protein. You can choose bananas, chia seedsoybeans, almonds, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, edamame, peas, quinoacashews, and so on.

Also Read: 5 Nutrients that Play an Important Role in the Blood Clotting Process

2. Iron (Fe)

illustration of a person cutting an avocado (pexels.com/Mikael Blomkvist)
Iron (Fe) plays an active role in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells. The need for sufficient iron will play a role in preventing anemia.

Reported by page Beeline HealthThe hemoglobin in red blood cells plays an important role in the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. Deficiency or lack of oxygen in the body will risk the body experiencing fatigue. That is why, someone who has anemia looks tired and lethargic.

Examples of vegetable materials that contain iron (Fe) are broccoli, pumpkin seeds, pakcoy, sprouts, almonds, bananas, avocados, kale, beets, parsley, chia seedtomatoes, grapes, spinach, potatoes, coconut meat, sunflower seeds, apricots, mustard, and so on.

3. Zink (Zn)

illustration of a person cooking mushrooms (pexels.com/cottonbro studio)

Zinc is needed to maintain a healthy body. Reported by page Healthline, many people switch to taking zinc-containing supplements when they are sick. Zinc is very good for the body because it can increase the body’s immunity, maintain heart health, and keep blood pressure stable.

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In addition, zinc is also very good at preventing acne breakouts. Quoted from the site Ethernaldermatology, zinc is a nutrient that can be used as an anti-inflammatory. This plays a role in reducing swelling, redness, and reducing scar tissue found in acne.

Zinc is also often referred to as a beauty mineral because it has sufficient levels. That’s because zinc can prevent dry skin, hair loss, and brittle nails. Examples of vegetable ingredients that contain zinc are peanuts, kidney beans, peas, cashew and almond seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds, spinach, mushrooms and garlic.

4. Calcium

illustration of person opening edamame shell (pexels.com/Karolina Grabowska)

Calcium is a nutrient that plays an important role in strengthening bones and teeth. In general, people think that the only source of calcium is dairy products. In fact, calcium can also be obtained from vegetable ingredients.

Quoted from page Harvard T.H. Chan The Nutrition Souce, the recommended nutritional adequacy rate for calcium consumption is 1,000 mg/day for women aged 19-50 years and men aged 19-70 years for pregnant and lactating women. Women over 51 years of age and men over 71 years of age need a total calcium of 1,200 mg/day.

There are many plant materials that contain calcium. You can try sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, soybeans, sweet potatoes, almonds, oranges, chia seededamame beans, mustard, and radish.

Also Read: 5 Ways to Make Vegetable Pesticides from Onion Skins

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2023-04-30 03:04:00
#Important #Nutrients #Plants #Needed #Body #IDN #Times

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