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5 Essential Foods for a Healthy Pregnancy: What to Eat and What to Avoid

【Trend #tag】 How to eat when you are pregnant? To nourish the muscles during pregnancy, you must eat five main types of food without eating meat, and you cannot lose these two nutrients. Schematic diagram:GETTY IMAGES

It is often said that when you are pregnant, one eats and two eats, but the more you eat, the more nutritious it will be! The way pregnant mothers eat is very important. How should pregnant mothers eat to nourish the fetus without nourishing meat? Let’s watch it together!

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Pregnant mothers should eat and not eat too much of anything calories and protein needed during pregnancy, vitamins, etc., as well as matching the in- daily intake, so that pregnant mothers can have a nutritious diet.

Whole grain root and bulk foods: brown rice, germ rice, barley, oats, rye, sorghum, wheat, barley, corn, millet, sweet potato, taro, pumpkin, yam, etc., are rich in nutrients and can provide calories to give enough. .Satisfying the metabolism of the fetus and the pregnant motherneed

* Intake of whole grains recommended: about 3 bowls/day, 1 bowl (200 grams)

Five categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: Whole grains and roots.  Image: Getty ImagesFive categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: Whole grains and roots.  Image: Getty Images

Five categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: Whole grains and roots. Image: Getty Images

Foods such as beans, fish, meat and eggs are usually rich in high-quality protein, which is essential for the baby’s body tissue.

* Recommended intake of beans, fish, meat and eggs: two palm-sized portions per day.

Dairy products can provide the body with rich calcium.

* Recommended intake of dairy products: 1.5 servings per day, 1 serving = 1 cup (about 250 ml)

Five categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: beans, fish, meat, eggs & milk.  Image: Getty ImagesFive categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: beans, fish, meat, eggs & milk.  Image: Getty Images

Five categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: beans, fish, meat, eggs & milk. Image: Getty Images

Green vegetables, eggplants, yellow peppers, carrots, mushrooms, etc., all kinds of fresh vegetables are good choices. Vegetables of different colors can contain different nutrients, especially green leafy vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and folic acid.

* Recommended vegetable intake: at least 2 bowls of vegetables per day, 1 bowl 100 grams

Five categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: High-fiber vegetables.  Image: Getty ImagesFive categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: High-fiber vegetables.  Image: Getty Images

Five categories of food you must eat during pregnancy: High-fiber vegetables. Image: Getty Images

Fruits are very high in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid and other nutrients, which provide more nutrition to the body.

* Recommended fruit intake: 2 fist-sized portions of fruit per day.

Five categories of food that you must eat during pregnancy: fruits.  Image: Getty ImagesFive categories of food that you must eat during pregnancy: fruits.  Image: Getty Images

Five categories of food that you must eat during pregnancy: fruits. Image: Getty Images

Nuts are rich in protein and high-quality fat, which also help the physical development and health of the baby, and they can also play a role in fighting depression. For oils, choose oils with a high non-fatty acid content. saturated, such as olive oil and sunflower oil, suitable for pregnant mothers.

* Recommended intake of fats and nuts: 4-6 servings per day, one serving is one teaspoon (5 grams)

Five categories of food that you must eat during pregnancy: oil and nuts.  Image: Getty ImagesFive categories of food that you must eat during pregnancy: oil and nuts.  Image: Getty Images

Five categories of food that you must eat during pregnancy: oil and nuts. Image: Getty Images

pregnancyIn addition to eating a balanced diet, you also need to take in enough of certain nutrients, such as folic acid and iron. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, can promote the development of the baby’s nervous system and DNA synthesis.

Foods that contain folic acid:Dark green vegetables (spinach, sweet potato leaves, broccoli), pork liver, beans (red beans, mung beans, soybeans, edamame).

2 essential nutrients for pregnancy!  It is important for pregnant mothers to consume more folic acid.  Image: Getty Images2 essential nutrients for pregnancy!  It is important for pregnant mothers to consume more folic acid.  Image: Getty Images

2 essential nutrients for pregnancy! It is important for pregnant mothers to consume more folic acid. Image: Getty Images

Many women have iron deficiency anemia themselves, and experience symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue in the early stages of pregnancy.

Foods that contain iron:Meat, eggs, seafood, dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, beans, peas, tomatoes, red dates, black dates, etc. are rich in iron.

2 essential nutrients for pregnancy!  It is important for pregnant mothers to consume more iron.  Image: Getty Images2 essential nutrients for pregnancy!  It is important for pregnant mothers to consume more iron.  Image: Getty Images

2 essential nutrients for pregnancy! It is important for pregnant mothers to consume more iron. Image: Getty Images

Eating nutritious and healthy food is the top priority during pregnancy. The following types of food are recommended for pregnant women.

❌ Processed food:Avoid meatballs, hot dogs, bacon, and ham, and focus on whole foods to get complete nutrition.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy!  Processed foods can cause pregnant mothers to gain weight without nourishing the fetus.  Image: Getty ImagesFoods to avoid during pregnancy!  Processed foods can cause pregnant mothers to gain weight without nourishing the fetus.  Image: Getty Images

Foods to avoid during pregnancy! Processed foods can cause pregnant mothers to gain weight without nourishing the fetus. Image: Getty Images

❌ Foods with heavy flavors, flavors and thick:Eat less spicy pot and braised dishes to avoid edema and pregnancy-induced hypertension caused by high sodium

❌Trans fat:Avoid creamers, dairy products, pastries, creamers, butter, egg tarts, and pineapple bread.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy!  Trans fats can easily cause pregnant mothers to gain weight without nourishing the fetus.  Image: Getty ImagesFood to avoid during pregnancy!  Trans fats can easily cause pregnant mothers to gain weight without nourishing the fetus.  Image: Getty Images

Foods to avoid during pregnancy! Trans fats can easily cause pregnant mothers to gain weight without nourishing the fetus. Image: Getty Images

❌ Frying and frying:Avoid salty crispy chicken or deep fried chicken It is recommended to roast, blanch, or bake more, with less fat content, and get the original flavor of the ingredients.

In fact, pregnant mothers today are very concerned about changes in their body shape as they change their dietary concepts during pregnancy, eat a balanced diet, eat more protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinking enough water, pregnant mothers can. feed their fetuses without feeding meat!

By changing the concept of diet during pregnancy, eating a balanced diet and taking in more protein, pregnant mothers can nourish their fetuses without nourishing their bodies!  Image: Getty ImagesBy changing the concept of diet during pregnancy, eating a balanced diet and taking in more protein, pregnant mothers can nourish their fetuses without nourishing their bodies!  Image: Getty Images

By changing the concept of diet during pregnancy, eating a balanced diet and taking in more protein, pregnant mothers can nourish their fetuses without nourishing their bodies! Image: Getty Images

Further reading:

Yang Chenxi: When you are pregnant, you should still be yourself, often forgetting that you are pregnant!

How to get relief from “chest swelling and pain” during pregnancy? 5 tips to improve breast discomfort during pregnancy: use it for a good night’s sleep

Hypertension, proteinuria, generalized edema! Preeclampsia puts the safety of mother and baby at risk.

2024-05-07 16:00:48

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