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5 Effective Warm Drinks to Fight Flu in the Rainy Season

Beritasatu.com – Along with the arrival of the rainy season, flu also needs to be a concern at this time. In conditions of low body immunity, symptoms such as coughs and colds often affect people.

However, there is no need to worry, there are several effective ways to fight flu and keep your body fit in the rainy season. One method is to consume warm drinks which have special properties.

The natural ingredients in this drink can help relieve flu symptoms that appear during the rainy season, citing the Everyday Health page, Monday (18/12/2023):

1. Orange juice
First of all, orange juice is an excellent choice. This fresh drink contains vitamin C which is very beneficial for the body. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant that can help fight infections.

Several studies show that vitamin C can reduce the severity and duration of colds, making it an effective drink for maintaining health in the rainy season.

2. Honey
Furthermore, honey is also an effective solution when the flu attacks. Adding honey to warm drinks can help relieve a sore throat.
Research shows that honey can be an effective alternative, especially in treating cold and flu symptoms. Honey not only provides a healing effect, but also coats the throat, helping to relieve irritation.

3. Hot tea
Hot tea is a very useful drink when you have a cold. The softness of warm tea can soothe a sore throat, while the steam helps clear a blocked throat.

Tea contains polyphenols, a group of antioxidants that protect the body from chronic disease. Adding honey to tea not only provides a sweet taste, but also adds flu-fighting properties.

4. Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt or Greek yogurt can also be an option when the flu hits. Yogurt contains probiotics that help restore healthy bacteria in the digestive tract and improve overall health. With twice the protein of regular yogurt and less lactose, Greek yogurt is also easier for the digestive system to digest.

5. Ginger and turmeric
Ginger and turmeric drinks are another effective option in fighting the flu. These spices and herbs are known to have benefits when the body is sick with the flu. Ginger extract has antimicrobial properties, while the curcumin in turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Although ginger and turmeric are available in supplement form, pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to consult further before taking these supplements.

By maintaining the intake of this nutritious drink, it is hoped that people can get through the rainy season healthier and fitter. Stay alert to weather changes and always maintain personal hygiene to prevent disease from attacking. Hopefully this rainy season will pass without leaving serious health impacts.

2023-12-19 01:37:00
#nutritious #drink #effective #flu #rainy #season

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