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5 Effective Methods to Save Money in Your Everyday Life

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Von: Anna Heyers

Everything is relatively expensive at the moment. Nevertheless, you can save a few coins here and there. But which saving methods are there and which ones suit your life? An overview.

In times when everything seems to have gotten more expensive, it is important to build up reserves. This is possible, for example, if you have a good overview of your own finances, keep yourself informed (e.g. with financial podcasts) or have the talent and desire to invest.

People who do not want to deal with the topic of money so intensively can still save. Because there are various methods that can be easily integrated into everyday life. We present the most famous ones here.

Method 1: the 52 week method

With the 52-week method, the amount for the current calendar week is always thrown into the piggy bank. In one year, 52 weeks, you will end up with 1,378 euros. (Iconic image) © AndreyPopov/Imago

The principle of this method is quite simple. Basically, you put back the value of the calendar week (KW). In calendar week one that would be one euro, in calendar week 52 then 52 euros. This method is designed to create a routine. If you don’t want to save the highest amount in December, simply write the individual weeks on a slip and draw one per week. At the end of the year, 1,378 euros were accumulated.

Here is an overview if you take the calendar weeks one after the other:

1 1 1
2 2 3
10 10 55
25 25 325
40 40 820
52 52 1.378

At the end of the year, 1,378 euros were accumulated.

Method 2: the envelope method

It is very likely that your grandparents were already familiar with this type of saving. Basically, the envelope method is about two things. On the one hand, you only pay in cash, on the other hand, you set a budget for a wide variety of things. This is ideal for people who only have a certain amount available per month. At TikTok and Instagram you can find a lot of inspiration for your own savings envelopes and budgets under the hashtags #cashstuffing or #umschlagmethode. And: There are modern mini folders with transparent envelopes. But the whole thing also works in the classic way with paper envelopes.

Don’t miss it: You can find everything to do with money in the money newsletter from our partner Merkur.de.

Method 3: the coin method

The coin method is easily adaptable to your possibilities. Basically, the point here is to collect the change coins. It doesn’t matter whether you focus on 50 cents or one or two euro coins. The special thing here: anyone who collects in a jar or something similar can see how the sum is growing – and how the savings target is approaching.

Method 4: That Latte Method

The latte method is about spending on the go and therefore also about your own latte factor. The Latte Macchiato to Go gives the method its name. If you treat yourself to a coffee in between, a small snack or an ice-cold soda, you could benefit from this method. What it takes: self-discipline. If you want to save with the latte method, look for one or two things that are regularly bought on the go. This can be, for example, the morning coffee on the way to the office. Instead of buying it, the money simply goes into the piggy bank (or into the savings account) – and in future you can make your coffee at home.

Method 5: the 30 day/10 minute method

This method is all about keeping impulse purchases under control. If you see something you like on the go, for example perfume, a book or a new pair of jeans, don’t grab it right away. For smaller purchases, simply go shopping for another ten minutes, for larger ones (e.g. a new television or a new smartphone) wait 30 days. If you are still interested after this time, you can buy it.

By the way: A lot of money can also be saved when shopping by choosing the right time

2023-07-17 06:03:20
#Saving #money #easy #Saving #methods #budget

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