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“5 Effective Home Remedies for Canker Sores: Salt Water, Yogurt, Lemon Juice, Turmeric & More”

Canker sores are treated with antifungal medications, but you can also relieve uncomfortable symptoms with home remedies like salt water, yogurt, and more.


9 natural remedies

It is important to treat canker sores as soon as possible to limit infection. Doctors often prescribe antifungal drugs. Mild cases of canker sores may go away on their own. The following home remedies, used in addition to antifungal medications, may help relieve the symptoms of the infection.

1. Salt water

Salt has antiseptic, cleansing and soothing properties. This makes it a common remedy for many oral problems. Rinsing your mouth with salt water may help relieve the symptoms of canker sores.

How to use:

Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Put the solution all over your mouth. After rinsing well, spit out the salt solution.

2. Sodium bicarbonate

Rinsing your mouth with baking soda (baking soda) can help treat canker sores. In a 2009 study, researchers looked at the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate as a disinfectant of Candida albicans adhered to acrylic resin. The test was intended to simulate the daily disinfection of dentures. The researchers concluded that while not the most effective form of disinfectant, baking soda was a “viable alternative”.

How to use: Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water. Rinse your entire mouth with this mixture, spit and repeat the operation several times.

3. Yogurt

Probiotic yogurt contains cultures of live, “good” bacteria that can help treat canker sores. Cultures do not kill Candida. Instead, they stop its growth. They can also help restore the right balance of good and bad bacteria in your mouth. Because it is soft, yogurt is also a great food to eat if you have trouble swallowing due to painful mouth and throat lesions.

How to use: Eat yogurt several times a day at the first sign of canker sores. Choose unsweetened varieties of yogurt, as Candida enjoys sugar.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is believed to have antiseptic and antifungal abilities that help it fight the fungus that causes canker sores. According to a 2009 study, lemon juice was found to be a more effective treatment for canker sores than gentian violet among people with HIV. (Gentian violet is another home remedy for canker sores, but recent evidence suggests it may cause cancer.)

How to use: Add the juice of half a lemon to 1 cup of warm or cold water. Drink the mixture or use it as a mouthwash. Some people apply lemon juice directly to canker sores, but the acidity of the lemon can cause burning and irritation.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric gets its vibrant yellow color from curcumin. Curcumin is a powerful compound believed to have anti-inflammatory abilities. According to a 2010 study in mice, curcumin can treat canker sores. The study found that curcumin is antifungal against both albicans and non-albicans Candida species, especially when combined with piperine. Piperine is a compound found in black pepper that helps the body absorb turmeric.

How to use: Make “golden milk” by combining 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric paste (store-bought or homemade) with a pinch of black pepper and 1 cup of filtered water or milk of your choice. It is heated in a saucepan. Feel the mixture in your entire mouth as you drink it, write the people at Healthline.

2023-05-31 04:24:52
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