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5 Easy Steps to Planting Decorative Flowers for a Colorful Yard


Decorating the yard with ornamental flower plants will certainly make the front garden of the Mother’s house look more attractive. Mother’s flower garden can even make anyone who passes by it stop for a moment and enjoy its beauty.

Plant decorative plants flowers are not easy, Mother. There are times when the plants will die along with the changing seasons.

Mothers also have to take several steps so that ornamental flower plants grow lush and beautiful. Starting from choosing seeds, digging the soil, and so on.

Don’t get confused when planting it, Mother. Reported by the page Better Homes & Gardens, here are easy steps to plant ornamental flowers so that the page will be full of color.

1. Select the correct place and ornamental plants

The flower ornamental plants that you plant certainly need sunshine, as well as shelter from changing weather conditions. Therefore, the first step you need to do is arrange ornamental plants so that they are in the right place according to their type.

Full sun is usually good for houseplants for six or more hours per day, mums. The shade means four to six hours of sunshine per day.

2. Dig the ground

A beautiful flower garden set in healthy soil, Mother. In general, for the most part ornamental flower plant able to thrive in loose, well-draining soil, with lots of organic matter in it.

Mothers don’t need to dig as large a land as possible to plant flowers. However, you need to dig up enough soil so that you can add compost to improve soil structure and add nutrients.

Avoid digging the ground when it is wet to prevent compaction, Moms. Ornamental flower plants also need a little space between soil particles for roots to grow.

Click read the next page to see other easy steps, Mum.

Moms, also see the video of aglaonema ornamental plants with unique leaves:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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