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5 Common Mistakes on a Low-Carb Diet

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Low diet carbohydrate (low carbs diet) including types diet popular that has been done a lot to help lose weight.

However, apparently there are still some mistakes in low-carbohydrate diets that often occur so that the results are less than optimal.

Launch Healthline, generally mistakes occur when this diet is considered only to focus on reducing carbohydrate intake.

In order not to be in vain, here are a series of the most common mistakes of low-carb diets and how to overcome them.

1. Consumption of excess carbohydrates

The amount of carbohydrates that enter a low level should be under 100-150 grams per day and come from nutritious foods such as tubers, potatoes, corn, quinoa, and beans.

Conversely, if you reduce carbohydrates, but eat processed foods high in flour, the result can actually increase calorie levels.

Because the body really needs carbohydrates for energy supply, you should stay consistent in consuming nutritious foods in normal portions and not in excess.

If you want to achieve ketosis according to the ketogenic diet, it is recommended to consume less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.

2. Consumption of excess protein

Illustration. Too much protein intake is one of the mistakes of a low-carb diet. (iStockphoto/marilyna)-

Protein is a macronutrient and plays an important role for the body to give the effect of full longer. Sufficient amount of protein is very useful in the metabolic process when burning fat.

When there is too much protein intake, the body will break it down into amino acids and then converted into glucose through the process of gluconeogenesis.

The process of gluconeogenesis actually makes the body unable to enter the ketosis phase due to a lack of carbohydrates, but an excess amount of protein.

3. Feeling afraid of getting fat

The next low-carb diet mistake is being too afraid of being fat so that it eliminates all sources of food energy for the body.

Some people believe that reducing fat while on a low-carb diet can make the diet healthier. In fact, this principle is wrong.

Any diet pattern really needs carbohydrates and fats for optimal body performance and avoid malnutrition.

The key is to keep consuming nutritious carbohydrates and healthy fats in a controlled manner by reducing portions to be smaller.

4. Ignoring the need for sodium

salt illustrationIllustration. Ignoring the need for sodium is also one of the mistakes of a low-carb diet. (iStockphoto/artisteer)-

The main mechanism of a low-carbohydrate diet is a decrease in insulin levels. This hormone is in charge of telling fat cells to store fat in order to retain sodium.

During this diet, insulin levels automatically decrease and the body will get rid of excess sodium with water.

In fact, sodium is the most important electrolyte for the body. If the need for sodium is ignored, side effects are dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and constipation.

In order to avoid the bad effects of sodium deficiency, make sure you eat sea fish in your diet or add a little salt to your food.

5. Inconsistent diet

Carbohydrates are the most important ingredients to meet the body’s energy supply that supports daily activities.

If you drastically cut your carbohydrate intake, then your body takes up fat reserves to continue the ongoing metabolic process.

This transitional phase often causes unwell reactions and ends in failure because they feel tortured.

So that low-carb diet mistakes do not harm health, you should do this diet slowly. Remember, your body needs time to adapt.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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