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5 Characteristics of Rotavirus Diarrhea in Babies

KOMPAS.comRotavirus is one of the viruses that causes diarrhea in infants which is quite common.

Diarrhea rotavirus can be dangerous because it can cause complications of dehydration in a short time which is at risk of being fatal, especially in babies under two years of age.

To increase awareness of this disease, recognize the various characteristics rotavirus diarrhea in babies.

Also read: 4 Dangers of Rotavirus Diarrhea in Children That Can Be Fatal

Characteristics of rotavirus diarrhea in infants

According to Ministry of Healththere are several symptoms of rotavirus diarrhea in infants that need to be watched out for, including:

  • Diarrhea for 3-8 days
  • Fever
  • Throws up
  • Stomach ache
  • Dehydration characterized by dry mouth, sunken eyes, constant drowsiness, infrequent urination, cold fingertips, and decreased consciousness

Parents who find the characteristics of rotavirus diarrhea above should immediately take their baby to the doctor. Especially if your little one is already dehydrated.

Also read: Rotavirus Causes Diarrhea in Children, Recognize the Symptoms and Prevention

How can babies get rotavirus diarrhea?

Rotavirus is a type of virus that is transmitted by other routes fecal-oralor from the excrement of the patient’s bowel movements which accidentally enters the mouth of another person.

Rotavirus can get out of the patient’s body through defecation, then this dirt contaminates water, food, drink, or objects around it.

When sufferers don’t wash their hands after defecating from the toilet, their newly washed hands can be exposed to rotavirus and when they touch objects around them, the virus spreads to their surroundings.

When babies or other people whose bodies are not in their best condition touch these objects, they can become infected with rotavirus.

After being infected with this virus, the baby will show the characteristics of rotavirus diarrhea over an interval of two days later.

Currently there is no specific drug for rotavirus diarrhea. Doctors usually prevent complications of dehydration and provide medication to relieve symptoms of the disease.

However, this disease can be prevented so that the impact is not too fatal. How to diligently wash your hands, especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after changing diapers. Besides, give rotavirus vaccine for babies.

Also read: 5 Ways to Overcome Diarrhea in Infants and Children

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