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5 Characteristics of Rising Blood Sugar that You Should Be Aware of all

KOMPAS.com – Increased blood sugar levels need to be controlled so as not to cause chronic health problems such as diabetes.

Reporting from Web MD, if high blood sugar is left untreated, high blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia can result in damage to nerves, blood vessels, and vital organs.

High blood sugar can also cause serious complications that are fatal, namely hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic syndrome.

This condition can make the sufferer urinate frequently, decrease urination intensity, to severe dehydration.

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Diabetics are often familiar with the characteristics of increased blood sugar, because they are often in the hyperglycemia phase.

This is not the case with some people with prediabetes or diabetes who have never had a medical check-up.

To prevent diabetes and its complications, you need to be diligent about checking your blood sugar levels regularly, in addition to knowing some of the characteristics of rising blood sugar.

Especially for those of you who are at risk of suffering from diabetes such as having a family with diabetes, excess weight, and age over 45 years.

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Launch Self, here are some features of high blood sugar that you should be aware of:

1. Fatigue

photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/08/17/090100368/5-ciri-ciri-gula-darah-naik-yang-pelu-diwaspadai?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">Shutterstock Illustration-Feeling tired is the first characteristic of rising blood sugar. Not only in diabetics, people with conditions normal blood sugar can also feel overwhelmed when their blood sugar spikes.

One of them is after eating large amounts of simple carbohydrates. Suppose a very sweet drink.

If you are often sleepy after eating carbohydrates or drinking sugary drinks, try a medical check-up.

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2. Urinating frequently

photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/08/17/090100368/5-ciri-ciri-gula-darah-naik-yang-pelu-diwaspadai?page=3" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">Illustration of wanting to pee Illustration of wanting to pee-When there is too much sugar in the blood, the kidneys will automatically release more sugar by removing it through urine.

This condition makes people whose blood sugar rises urinate more often.

3. Increased thirst

Illustration of drinking waterbaiajaku Illustration of drinking water-After the body loses a lot of fluids due to frequent urination when blood sugar rises, the result is that a person often feels thirsty.

The more often a person urines, the more often he feels thirsty.

Also read: 5 Symptoms of Diabetes in Children, Not Only For Parents

4. Headache

photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/08/17/090100368/5-ciri-ciri-gula-darah-naik-yang-pelu-diwaspadai?page=5" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">Illustration of headache, vertigoshutterstock Illustration of headache, vertigo-When the body loses a lot of fluids due to frequent urination, another symptom that often arises is a headache.

True, headaches can be a sign of illness or other health problems.

However, in many conditions including when blood sugar rises, dehydration can trigger headaches.

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5. Blurred vision

photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/08/17/090100368/5-ciri-ciri-gula-darah-naik-yang-pelu-diwaspadai?page=6" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">Illustration of night blindness, blurred visionshutterstock Illustration of night blindness, blurred vision-Some parts of the body that are unexpectedly affected by high blood sugar, one of them is the eye.

Excess blood sugar along with water can get trapped in the lens in the middle of the eye, causing blurred vision.

Unlike the condition of blurred vision in diabetics which usually occurs in the long term, vision problems in people whose blood sugar rises are generally only temporary.

If you often experience some of the signs of increased blood sugar, consult a doctor immediately.

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