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5 Causes Men Often Weak Impotence, Beware of the Characteristics!


Impotence or known as impotence is a nightmare for men. The reason is, this condition allows men to find it difficult to achieve an erection during sex.

Quoted from Medical News Today, erectile difficulties do not always mean experiencing impotence if it only occurs occasionally. However, if it occurs continuously, the person may experience erectile dysfunction.

A study in the American Journal of Medicine revealed that the risk of impotence continues to increase with age. As a result, it can trigger stress, affect self-confidence, to interfere with sexual life.

Causes of Impotence

Generally, impotence is caused by a lack of blood flow to the body’s blood vessels. In addition, this condition can also be caused by psychological factors, alcohol, smoking, obesity, and other related health conditions.

Quoted from HealthlineHere are some health conditions that can cause impotence:

1. Endocrine diseases

The body has an endocrine system whose job is to regulate hormones in the body. For example, such as metabolism, sexual function, to mood.

One of the endocrine diseases that is closely related to impotence is diabetes.

2. Nervous disorders

Neurological conditions are also closely related to erections. Erectile ability can be disrupted when the signals in the body are not connected properly.

Some examples of nervous disorders that affect impotence, namely:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Brain or spinal tumor
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke

3. Certain drugs

In addition, there are several types of drugs that have an effect on sexual function. Therefore, it is recommended to consult before taking the drug.

4. Conditions related to heart health

It turns out that conditions that affect the heart and its ability to pump blood properly can cause impotence. Because, without sufficient blood flow to the penis, men cannot achieve an erection.

One of the conditions is atherosclerosis, which is clogged blood vessels and is at risk of causing impotence. In addition, high cholesterol and hypertension are also often associated with the risk of impotence.

5. Lifestyle and emotional disorders

To achieve an erection, men must go through the excitement phase, which is a phase in the form of an emotional response. If a man has an emotional breakdown, it can affect his ability to ‘excite’ sexually.

In addition, depression and anxiety are also associated with an increased risk of impotence. Depression can occur when there are intense feelings of sadness, loss of hope, or helplessness. The fatigue associated with depression can also cause impotence.

Can this impotence be cured? Click to the next page.

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