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5 Candidates for WhatsApp’s New Features in 2022, So You Won’t Be Surprised

HARIANHALUN.COM – Here are five potential new features in the app WhatsApp which is scheduled to be released in 2022. WhatsApp become a messaging application that continues to innovate from time to time.

This is done so that they can still be at the top as the most used instant messaging application.

Because at this time, the existence of Telegram is believed to have started to threaten WhatsApp.

With the release of various new features, of course many people will prefer to be loyal, because WhatsApp itself has become an accompanying messaging application since the last few years.

In 2022, WhatsApp is rumored to be releasing a new feature that is no less cool.

Reporting from The Verge, here are the spoilers for five potential new features WhatsApp which is rumored to be released next year.

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1. WhatsApp Logout

WhatsApp Logout is believed to be the first new feature to be released WhatsApp soon.

As the name implies, this feature will make you logout alias out of the account WhatsApp you. This feature will later replace the Delete Account menu.

2. Multi-device support

If this one, surely you already know yes. Next year WhatsApp lets you connect one account to multiple devices at once.

Currently, this feature is available for beta versions of Android and iOS users, where only Apple product users can try it.

One more thing you need to know, WhatsApp You will stay connected even if the device you are connecting is not connected to the internet.

3. WhatsApp Reels?

This news is actually still confusing. However, if the Metaverse company is steady, there is a possibility WhatsApp Reels will be released next year.

Way of work WhatsApp These reels are similar to Instagram Reels, where you can create long videos in a TikTok-like format.

4. Update the delete message feature

User WhatsApp indeed feel benefited by the features that were released last year.

However, complaints often arise because WhatsApp give a time limit for you to actually delete messages that have been sent.

Well, the upcoming update will make you more free. Because you can delete messages whenever you want, without any time limit.

5. Last activity

One more to be updated WhatsApp next year, which is related to the privacy of its users.

If this feature is officially released, then you can hide your recent activity more specifically.

Previously there were only three options you could choose from i.e. everyone, nobody and my contacts and now have added a fourth option which says ‘My Contacts Except’.

That’s the new feature spoiler WhatsApp which is rumored to be released in 2022.

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