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5 Benefits of Thousand Leaves for Health, Can Heal Wounds!

Every plant has benefit useful for health humans by curing certain diseases. One of the plants that has many benefits is: thousand leaves or yarrow. Another name for this thousand leaves is Achillea millefolium.

Quoted healthline, thousand leaves have been used since thousands of years ago, because they are considered to have potential health benefits. Well, there is an Achilles warrior named Achillea who is known through Greek mythology who uses thousand leaves as medicine to treat wounds that occur to his soldiers.

This story indicates that the thousand leaves have been used for a long time. It is known that the thousand leaves have 140 different species, distinguished by the characteristics of flowers, leaves, and feathers. After knowing a little about the thousand leaves, surely you want to know the benefits, right? Listen, come on!

1. Helps relieve digestive problems

stomachache illustration (pexels.com/Sora Shimazaki)

The occurrence of digestive problems will interfere with your daily activities, especially if you have important activities. Some common digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, GERD, to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

For those of you who are looking for natural remedies to relieve the digestive problems you are experiencing, you can try the leaves of a thousand. Because, thousand leaves contain flavonoids and alkaloids which are known as plant compounds that are effective in alleviating digestive problems.

You can use a thousand leaves as herbal medicine to get its benefits as herbal teas, extracts, or essential oils.

2. Can help wound healing

wound illustration (pexels.com/MART PRODUCTION)
wound illustration (pexels.com/MART PRODUCTION)

Getting a scratch that produces a small wound is quite difficult to avoid and is common to anyone. If you want to treat small wounds that you experience, you can try natural home remedies, namely using thousand leaves.

As mentioned earlier, Achillea treats his wounded soldiers with a thousand leaves. There are animal studies that have found that a thousand leaf extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help heal wounds.

However, more research needs to be done on this benefit, in order to determine how effective the leaves of a thousand are in wound healing.

3. Helps overcome menstrual cramps

stomach cramps illustration (pexels.com/cottonbro)
stomach cramps illustration (pexels.com/cottonbro)

Cramps due to menstruation are very torturous for some women. Sometimes it can interfere with daily activities, because they are unable to move freely. It is known that thousand leaves have benefits for dealing with menstrual cramps, you know.

Apparently, thousand leaves contain flavonoid antioxidants. The content has been proven to be able to overcome the cramps you experience, and can make the muscles become more relaxed. Well, if you are interested in overcoming menstrual cramps with herbal remedies, you can try a thousand leaves.

4. Reduce depression and anxiety

stress illustration (pexels.com/Nathan Cowley)
stress illustration (pexels.com/Nathan Cowley)

Feeling depressed and anxious is quite common for some people. Usually, anxiety conditions occur as a reaction to the stress you are experiencing, while depression is a mental illness that is usually marked by worsening changes in your lifestyle.

Either one benefits of thousand leaves namely reducing depression and anxiety that you are experiencing. There are flavonoids and alkaloids found in thousand leaf tea that can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

There is a study cited by a review on healthline which states that giving rats orally to thousand leaf essential oil can reduce anxiety, and can encourage mental and physical activity in daily activities.

However, however, this research is still in its early stages and does not always apply to human anxiety. Also, you also can’t swallow thousand leaf essential oil, huh!

Therefore, research in humans regarding the effectiveness of thousand leaf tea needs to be done further.

5. Helps your brain health

illustration of thinking (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio)
illustration of thinking (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio)

There are various benefits of thousand leaves, one of which can help your brain health. Because, thousand leaves have been proven to help certain brain disorders, some of which such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, inflammation of the brain to the spinal cord that occur due to viral infections.

A study in rats showed that the antioxidants in the leaves of a thousand have an anti-seizure effect, so that the leaves of a thousand can be used as an ingredient for the treatment of people with epilepsy.

However, this research needs to be done further, because the results shown are limited and only done on animals.

Thousand leaf side effects

thousand leaf illustration (commons.wikimedia.org/Florencia Grattarola)
thousand leaf illustration (commons.wikimedia.org/Florencia Grattarola)

In addition to having many benefits, it turns out that there are some side effects of thousand leaves as a natural medicine that you need to pay attention to, yes. Quoted Very Well HealthIn general, thousand leaves are classified as safe for medical use.

When you take a thousand leaves as a natural remedy, it is likely that several conditions will occur, such as drowsiness, increased urination, and skin irritation if you use it topically.

Although thousand leaf tea is often used medicinally and several studies show various benefits, further human studies are needed, in order to know how effective it is.

If you are interested in consuming a thousand leaf tea or using a thousand leaves as herbal medicine, you can consult a doctor to be safer, yes!

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